Child! Bill x Reader

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**- Supernatural! AU


(Y/n)'s POV

'Its okay, (N/n). 15 more hours and he'll be back to normal.'

I sat quietly beside Bill, who drank a potion I was working on. Sure, I'm a witch. But I'm a beginner! Its not enough to change Bill back to normal. So here I am, texting alchemy boy, Dipper Pines.

Then here he goes, snatching my phone with him running around like an idiot. He is a kid after all.

"Aw, why were you texting Pinetree?" 5-year-old Bill asks, reading the message thread. I grunted. I stood up from the couch and ran after him.

"Give me back my phone Bill!"

"Hell no (Y/n)! Catch me first!" He then laughs like a drunkard and ran away.

I grumbled and cursed under my breath and drank a potion in my pocket, which caused me to float.

"That's cheating (N/n)!" He said. Good thing he can't float.Then he looked at my phone while running. Then he stopped, so I stopped too.

"Now look what you did, (N/n). Pinetree is coming over!"

"Good, because I want him here."

"Ouch, (Cipher wheel Symbol). You hurt me!"

"Just give me my phone back, you wouldn't want to be like that forever, right?" I asked. He tapped his chin while holding the phone up for a while.

"Well, I wanna stay because you can't resist me in this form, but also I wanna go back to my original form because I wanna cuddle with you and I wanna ki--Hey!!" He shouted as I snatched my phone from him. I ran to the door but I suddenly stopped.

I heard sobbing.

I turned around, to see Bill, crying like a child.

He is anyways.

I walked slowly to him.

"Uh, Bill? You okay?" I asked. He didn't reply, just continued crying. Then my phone vibrated. It was Mason, calling. I answered it.

"Oi, Mason. Bad timing dude."

"(Y/n) I think I'm a kilometer away from your house. And don't call me that!" He complains from the other side of the phone call.

"Well, better be here or I'll curse you! Literally!"

"I will, I will, darn. See you." And with that, the call ended. I kept my phone in my pocket and went to face Bill. He was looking at me, pouting. I sighed and walked to him. I put my arm in his shoulder. He looked at me with tears still visible from his eye. He still has an eyepatch by the way.

"Why were you crying Bill?" I asked. He had this confused face with him. "Did I?" He asked me back. 'What?'

"You didn't know you just cried like a baby?" Pure confusion was written all over my face. Same to Bill's. "But still, if you cried, you were upset, or sad, or something," I said, as I tried carrying him. I walked to the couch, with baby Bill in my arms. "You know I could've taught you how to make a potion to bring me back to normal right?" Bill uttered. I looked at him. "Yeah, why?" "Then why did you need somebody else's help? And not to mention Pinetree," I stared at him in shock.

"Is this jealousy-talking I hear?" I said. His eyes widened.

'Knew it,'

"N-no its not! I just wanted to help you," He said, looking away from me. I giggled. "You didn't want to help me doing my other potions, and now you want to? That's hilarious," I commented. Then a knock emitted from my door. "Coming!" I shouted before standing up from the couch and walking to the door, still with Bill.

I opened the door to see Mason.

"Mas-Dipper! What took you so long? Come on, let's work on that potion!" I said and opened the door a bit wider for him to fit.

"Is that Bill?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah... he was careless." I muttered the last part. We continued walking to my basement, where all the magic happens. I sat Bill in a chair. "Stay there for a while, okay?" I said and he nodded while smiling.

He was adorable with that form.

"(Y/n), where's the potion Bill drank?" "Oh, right. Be right there." I said as I walked away from Bill. I heard him mumble something, but couldn't make it up.

"The pink and black fluid is the potion Bill drank. Its in that bottle." I mentioned as I pointed to the direction of the bottle. He grabbed it and gave it to me. "We need an enchanted flower from the woods to be able to bring Bill back to normal." Dipper nods at my statement.

With that, a puff of smoke erupted from Dipper's place and he was gone. 'Must have teleported...'

I continued setting up the table when Dipper appeared behind me. "Here's the flower." He said and handed it to me.

I ground the flower until it was already liquid. I mixed the needed ingredients and recited an encantation.

(Recites gibberish because author-chan is lazy)

"You think this is it?" I asked. Dipper held my shoulder. "You did a great job (Y/n), of course it's ready," He said. I smiled and held the potion. I turned around to see Bill looking at us with an angry expression. I curled my eye brow and stared at him.

"I prefer to do this in the living room (Y/n)." Dipper spoke. I gave him the potion and carried Bill to the living room couch, with Dipper following behind. I still held Bill and Dipper knelt in front of us. "Ready Bill?" "Ready as I'll ever be, (C/W/S)~"

I let him drank the potion and he shut his eyes tight.

A huge amount of smoke was surrounding Bill, and not long after, also surrounding me.

I shut my eyes, while feeling myself floating. And Bill's presence in my arms was already gone.

The smoke faded and I saw Dipper's eyes were wide. 'Did it affect me too?!'

Then suddenly, I felt two arms wrap from behind me. I looked down and see that I was being carried. By who you ask?

I turned around to see the infamous dream demon, smirking towards me. My face flushed immediately and I jumped away from his lap and stayed behind Dipper. He laughed.

"Ah, I missed these times with you, (C/W/S)~"

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