** Jealous! Will x Flirt! Reader

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| N | O | T | E | Sup your baby girl's finally back

Not with a complete fic though like this is more of an afternoon snack rather than a full course meal cus I got curious what a jealous cinnamon roll could look like 😌

Dont worry idk whats happening to me too ugh


**- Business! AU

W A R N I N G : 16+ content written by ur one and only thirsty bitch so to my innocent readers please wait for the fluffy update instead and dont read this shit


Will was never the type to get jealous.


But when his girlfriend wastes her every break time with another man and is all over him then that's an entirely different case.

He knew (Y/n) loved him with all of her heart, but sometimes she's just... too expressive.

The bi-haired male would silently watch the girl walking away with one of their coworkers, (Y/n) just waving at him with a cute smile on her face. Being the sweetheart he is, he would just return the kind gesture and wave back, fighting the urge to pull her away and remind her who she really belonged to.

It's been weeks since Will saw this one particular man getting too close to (Y/n), and what's worse was she did nothing to push him away. He was (Y/n)'s new team leader after the previous one moved out of the country, and since Will was part of another team he really couldn't do anything but watch his girl flirting back at the other man.

It irritated him to no end.

Whenever they get home, (Y/n) would shower Will with her love and affection, making him forget about all the disappointing things she did at work.

This routine continued for so long, until the day their boss decided to throw a company party.

"How do I look, hon?" The excited girl finally climbs down the staircase and showed herself to Will, who patiently waited for her in the living room. Will blushed at (Y/n)'s outfit choice and immediately cast his gaze away before he gets too imaginative. "Y-you look amazing... as a-always." (Y/n) grins at her boyfriend's remark. She marches up to him and planted him a soft kiss on the lips before she engulfs him in a hug. "You look hot in your tux, love." She giggles with a small blush on her cheeks. She wasn't lying; actually, if it weren't for Will's shy nature she wouldn't have complimented him so boldly like that.

"Th-thank you." Will releases a small smile, happy that at least (Y/n) found him in such way. The girl grabs his hand gently and lead him to the door. "You get to the car while I lock the door, okay?" "Yeah, o-okay."


Lights were flashing literally everywhere. Loud music was playing as people swarmed the dance floor and attacked the food tables. The party had just started, but everyone invited were already inside and vibing together.

Will, being the introvert he is, instantly went for one of the isolated areas of the incredulously huge room after grabbing a punch from one of the tables. On the other hand, (Y/n) was lost in the mass and Will couldn't see her figure anymore. But he can guess where she could've went off to.

Gravity Falls and Reverse Falls X Reader (ONE-SHOTS) [✔]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant