Claustrophobic! Will x Reader

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[9:23 p.m.]

(Y/n)'s POV

"Ugh, it's too dark to head out!" I grunted as I shut the curtain close, slouching on the solo couch I'm on. My best friend was across where I was, sipping on a cup of cappuccino. She grins at me innocently before setting her cup down. "Looks like you're gonna have to stay here for tonight again, (Y/n)." Mabel stated.

I rolled my eyes. "You purposely bought me clothes and made me try them all so you could get me to sleep here? You could've just asked me, stupid." She giggles. "I wasn't sure if you'd say yes so I went with the one that makes you stay here. Come on, girl, I'm lonely here!" She dramatically says, pouting.

"You're literally my best friend, Gleeful. Of course I'd say yes!"

"Wish I knew that a while ago." We both chuckle, then her twin arrives the room. Dipper had a stoic expression on while wiping his hands with wipes. "Brother dear, where have you been?" Dipper eyes her sister before gazing on his now clean hands and bloodied wipes.

"That demon was stupid for trying to escape. I did what had to be done and transferred him into a smaller cell."

I raised my eye brow at the mention of 'demon'.

'He tortured Will again?'

I saw Mabel clasp her hands together as she sits up from her seat and took my hand. "Come on, I have to show you the matching pajamas I have for the two of us!" She beams before dragging me away from the living room.

"(Y/n), you're staying here?" "Your sister made me, Tyrone." I shrugged as we climbed up the stairs to the second floor. Dipper scowled at me when I addressed him with his real name.

We arrived Mabel's spacious room and she shut the door close.

"After we change into my favorite sleeping attire, we're talking about what Gideon and I did this morning!" Mabel giggles as she sits on the edge of her bed, removing her head band. She proceeds with bringing the outfits she was telling me about since a while ago.

"Oh, and I have to tell you something about that Southeast. She straight up tried to embarrass me while I was in the mall this morning! That filthy bitch needs to be put in her place." I huffed, tucking my hair behind my ear as I took the outfit from Mabel. She smirks before gesturing to her head band.

"Don't worry, (Y/n). Whoever messes with you will be dealt with."

I nodded with a smile on my face.


[12:47 a.m.]

My eyes fluttered open, both of them adjusting to my dim surroundings. I was on the bed with my best friend. She had a face mask applied on her face and cucumbers on both of her eyes. I snickered at how goofy she looks. I turned the bed side lamp on and sat up, my feet dangling on the edge of Mabel's bed. I rubbed my eyes and looked around.

I tapped my stomach and realized I didn't eat dinner this evening. I tapped Mabel's shoulder lightly as she stirred. "I'll get something to eat, Mabes. I'll be back." She nods sleepily, drifting back to her dreamland. I stood up and walked out of her room. I made my way through the dark hallway and made it to the staircase. I went down and squinted my eyes so I could see through the darkness. Eventually, I arrived the kitchen. I opened the lights and headed for the refrigerator.

I grabbed and apple and a milk box and sat in silence. I forgot to take my phone with me. It's still back in Mabel's room.

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