|| 2017 || Valentines Special! Boyfriend Scenarios

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When he's going for a long trip and he's not gonna see you for a long time....

Dipper: "(sniff), Promise to wait for me, okay? Don't worry, I won't replace you."

Bill: (sees you tearing up) "Aw, you're gonna miss me? How 'bout a goodbye kiss? I'm sure you'll feel better~" (smirks) "And you're mine. That mark on your neck will remind you."

Tad: (gives you a hug) "I hope you don't cheat on me dollface, and I'll do the same."

Will: (cries with you) "I-i'm gonna go back h-here immediately w-when the mission's o-over, okay? Don't (sniff) cry, p-please."

Dipper G. : (kisses you) "I'll be back, (N/n). I'll call you every night, don't be sad."

When he gets jealous

Dipper: (growls from the distance) "That bastard."

Bill: "Fuck off! She belongs to me and only me! So unless you don't want your fucking dick to get chopped off, I suggest you make your stupid ass stay the hell away from my baby girl!"

Tad: (pulls your arm to him) "What's wrong, (Y/n)? Is this guy bothering you? Wanna beat him up?"

Will: (gets furious for the first time) "YOU STAY CLOSE TO HER OR SHE'LL BE THE LAST THING YOU'LL SEE!"

Dipper G. : (waits for you in your house)

"Where were you?"

"I was with (crush's name)."

(Teleports to your crush's house and beats him up)

(Teleports in front of you after.)

"Where were you?"

"I was with (crush's name)."

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