** [ɦɛǟɖƈǟռօռ 3] The Boys as Yanderes

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| N | O | T | E | Instead of doing yandere oneshots for each of the boys, I decided to make a headcanon of them instead. AND WE'RE AT 18k+ OMG I love you all ❤❤


**- Reader Insert



{●} This one's got to be the most obvious oOF

{●} He'll love to call you pet names. And if you ever find them annoying at first, you'll eventually get used to it and would find it weird if he starts calling you by your first name.

{●} Bill's the 'manipulative' and/or 'sadistic' type of yandere. Even though the guy's a masochist, he won't hesitate to show you who's the boss of the relationship.

{●} It's best if you don't go against him, because if you do, you'll just find yourself in a more difficult situation than before.

{●} He'll get very possessive. He can get as far as chaining you inside a hidden room in his house or hiding you in the dreamscape using his magic if you don't behave. This is why he's not afraid of losing you, because that will never happen as long as he's around.

{●} He'll easily get jealous if he sees you looking or talking to another man for too long. And when he does, he'll get violent depending on his mood and your attitude.

{●} This guy won't hesitate to hurt everyone who tries and mess with you. He'll kill everyone who gets in the way of your relationship.

{●} He's the type that can go overboard with punishing you for being a 'bad' girl, but it's quite easy to swoon him into lowering his punishments as long as you're serious. Because the guy's a demon, you can't trick him.

{●} Yes, he can be severely sadistic, but if you stayed the way he wants you to, then he can treat you like a queen and make sure you know he loves you. Very much.

{●} When he calls you by your first name, you know something's up. And it won't be anything close to good.

{●} "(Y/n), darling, come here."


{●} You won't expect someone like this boy to turn into someone so obsessive and addicted to you and you alone.

{●} Won't make it obvious that he has feelings for you at first, but when he deems it's time for you to finally be his, then he'll make sure he's going to be successful in claiming you.

Gravity Falls and Reverse Falls X Reader (ONE-SHOTS) [✔]Where stories live. Discover now