Chapter Four (pt. 4)

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"I remember my way back," said Ivy. "Stay close."

Moving through the darkness, back the way they had come, everyone was on edge. At the slightest sound, they jumped, hoping it was not one of their terrors.

"Right here," said Ivy after a few minutes.

"No, I'm pretty sure we should turn left," Zari argued.

"It's definitely right," said Ivy, her voice rising. "The doors I passed through should be just down there. I'm sure of it."

"I'm sure I came from the left," said Zari in a harsh whisper. "Who made you the leader anyway? You don't have what it takes to be one. You can't even stand up for yourself, for goodness sake," she spat. "We're going left."

It was a good thing they could not see each other's faces in the dark. Ivy had started to tear up and was trembling with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. Ronaldo on the other hand, was in-between the two, choosing not to involve himself in the verbal catfight.

They were at a stalemate. Neither girl was budging, but they knew they had to stick together. "I agree with Zari, Ivy," Ronaldo finally said. "I came from the left, too."

Ivy looked to where Ronaldo's voice had come from, resisting the urge to reach out and punch him in the nose. "Going right is the right way. I know it." She willed herself to keep calm, although her voice shook.

"Well, we can't always get what we want, can we? It looks like you're outvoted, two to one." There was a smile in Zari's voice as she spoke.

The sound of footsteps creeping toward the left, told Ivy she would be left alone if she stayed where she was. She followed behind the other two.

All was silent until— "Run!" Zari yelled. "Creature! Run!"

Ivy was almost knocked to the ground as Zari and Ronaldo sprinted past her. Though the present moment did not fully allow it, she was happy they ended up going the way she had intended in the first place.

They ran as hard as their legs would allow, with Ivy at the front, leading the way. Zari was close behind, but Ronaldo had fallen even further behind. His short legs would not allow him to take long strides like the others.

"Aargh!" It was Ronaldo. Ivy and Zari slowed as more screams followed, it seemed as though the creature was preoccupied and the chase was over.

"We have to go back for him," said Ivy, stopping when she realized the creature was no longer in pursuit. "We can't just leave him there."

"You can go back and be killed if you want to. I actually value my life!"

"Don't be stupid. It couldn't have killed him. They wouldn't allow that. The maze is designed to test us, not kill us off. I bet the creature isn't even real. C'mon."

"I'm not going back there. Just tell me the rest of the way through the maze, you're on your own."

"No, actually, you're on your own. I'm not telling you anything. We're going to go get him or you can find your own way back."

Ivy could not see Zari's face, but She hoped Zari looked as shocked as Ivy felt at her boldness.

"Fine," said Zari through gritted teeth.

They made their way back to where Ronaldo had fallen. Although unable to see, death lingered in the air, leading them to Ronaldo, growing stronger as they approached. Rounding the final corner in a half-jog, half-run, the creature was ahead. The sounds of gnashing teeth rang in Ivy's ears.

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