Chapter Ten (pt. 5)

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"Nadia? Is that you?" Ivy asked as she pulled Spencer behind her. "Ronaldo?"

Ronaldo emerged from the shadows, standing short beside Nadia. "Hey, Ivy. Sorry about... well, you know."

All Ivy could do was nod. "So I guess you need to explain some things," she said to Nadia.


"Like how you aren't in any school records. Or how everyone I've asked realizes they've never seen you before our placement ceremony."

Nadia gave a small nod. "First off, I am not the bad guy here. Second, I'm going to need the little one to swear she won't run her mouth to anyone."

Everyone looked to where Spencer stood, still hidden behind Ivy.

"I am not little," said Spencer. She moved around her sister to step forward. "And I swear."

"Where are you from if it's not from here?" Ivy asked.

"I can't tell you for various reasons, but I have a feeling you already know," said Nadia with a smile. "You must go there once you descend."

"What? How could I possibly survive that journey?"

"That is where Ronaldo comes in. I chose to meet here because there are no microphones hidden in this area. Ronaldo works in the Sanitation Unit building. Are you familiar with where it is?"

Ivy nodded. The building was situated in the far corner of The Society, away from the residential living areas.

"When you descend, there will be two backpacks waiting for you with plenty of essentials to last you the trip. I will be able to send them down through the chute," said Ronaldo.

Ivy cringed. "That means I will have to climb—"

She stopped short after a look from Nadia. Spencer did not yet know everything about The Society.

"Never mind."

"There are microphones everywhere?" Spencer asked.

Something had slipped past the façade.

"Yes," said Nadia. "There are microphones everywhere except here, the government sector and the edge of The Society. There is always someone listening."

"Why don't they tell us?"

"Because there is no one to tell them they have to."

"That's dumb," Spencer announced.

"Are you the one that's been watching me?" Ivy asked. She had just remembered what President Khamar had told her.

Nadia looked to the ground. "Yes, that was me."

"You're the one that's been reporting to him, then." Ivy took a moment to calm herself. "I think I know what you did to Alex, too. Why are you trying to help me?"

"There is still a lot you don't understand." Nadia pulled a letter from her pocket and handed it over. "Maybe this will help. For Spencer's own safety, don't let her read it; or anyone else for that matter."

"How am I supposed to trust you?"

"You don't have a choice. But it is imperative that you arrive where you're going as quickly as possible, and alive."

"I will try my best."

"I believe you will succeed," said Nadia as she returned to the darkness from which she had come, followed by a solemn Ronaldo.

Spencer and Ivy stood staring at where the two disappeared.

"We should get home," said Ivy, breaking the silence. Spencer nodded.

Back in Ivy's room, she and Spencer lay side by side like they had a few hours previously. The only difference was that Spencer could not be still for more than a minute.

"Spencer, stop moving so much. I'm trying to think."

"What are you thinking about?"

"What I'm going to give to you for your birthday today."

Spencer turned onto her side to face her sister. "It doesn't matter."

"Of course it matters. You only turn eight once, you know."

"And you only live once, Ivy."

She had a point. Perhaps what Spencer was most afraid for was Ivy's future, not her own.

"Tell me the story of how I got my scar. The fake one this time."

Ivy thought for a moment, trying to remember how it went.

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