A dog. A dog park. Dog owners. Hope for something out there.
27 year old Riley Matthews looked down at her chocolate brown golden retriever puppy, she had picked the puppy up from the rescue shelter two weeks ago in hope of finding a companion for a little while. Riley lived a lonely life for the most part, her only friend from high school living half way across the world in Australia, she was an artist, a good one. Sydney appreciates art more than New York, apparently, so she couldn't stay, and Riley wasn't going to keep her.
At first she didn't think she could have a replacement for Maya, nothing would suffice the fierce blonde "Amazon warrior", but looking down at the light shade of brown around her puppies eye she noticed, she had been wrong.
Riley rarely worked, she worked at a call Centre two days out of the week for 3 hours, a day. Then she had 2 night classes throughout the week, so most of the time she was just chilling at home.
When talking to her mother Topanga She had realised a puppy would be perfect for her, she was home, she loved animals and she was lonely.
Coming up with a name was no challenge for Riley, it's like everything was meant to be, she recalled her middle school days and what was most important to her. Pluto, the tiny planet that she hoped for, it was everything to her. So when she bought the puppy home and she yelled the words Pluto, she wasn't expecting much, maybe him to notice her, but instead she gotta tail waging puppy running at her at full speed. Pluto started licking her face and Riley couldn't contain her laughter. This puppy was everything to her.
28 year old Lucas Friar stumbled into his home, kicking away the beer cans and pizza boxes before slouching on the couch, waiting for his roommate to come home.
Whoever said living with your roommate is fun, was most certainly wrong, if you correct them, you're bossy. If you ask them to do something, the bring up shit from three years ago, you can never argue, usually one cleans one doesn't. It's just a disaster waiting to happen, as I realised with Zay. I love zay, zay loves me, zay loves parties. It was an endless cycle of crashing at his aunts, he wishes he could live with his parents.
They live in Texas though, and for his job, Lucas moved to the big smoke, New York City. Being a vet in New York was different, but great, he went through a lot of work to get to where he was and he went through a lot of sacrifice.
He gets lonely, that's just how it is when you're a workaholic, you can't count the people who care on one hand, but you still blow them off. Work, work, work was all he did and sure it paid off, but no girlfriend, no love, no wife.
It was a secret dream of his, to find love, it was a secret dream of everyone's really. It was the closest thing humans had to magic, dogs found it everyday, but we were more weary. We have love, not that love though. The perfect combination of sexy, sweet and attraction.
Lust, was all Lucas found. Lust can be confused with love, but it's very different. Lust is not permanent, it's not real, it's a facade, an adult daydream of a connection with a person.
Lucas couldn't tell you what love is, for now.
Riley pulled the lead out of her cupboard excited for her favourite part of the day, her walk in the park with Pluto. She looked down at the young pup who's eyes shone with innocence and loyalty, a quality she would love to see in a man every once in a while. His kinked tail wagged causing him to get distracted and start chasing it, Riley laughed lightly, he was cute, but he is a dope.

FanfictionThoughts for new stories, that I don't wanna make a story, so I only write a chapter, it's super unoriginal.