a/n ok so, I basically had this idea while I was in my science exam and I was like even though it's not SUPER unique it will still be fun. Anyway on of my favs and inspiration put up a story really similar to this not long ago. I know she doesn't care and tbh doesn't really read my work since I'm not really 'anything' in the tumblr world. I just wanted to point out though that although similar this story was inspired by the show itself. Peace and love xoxo-Bay
Lucas looked down at the thin boarding pass in his hand, the rough but smooth texture hitting his hand and making him pull a face of disgust. He watched as the long line of people waiting to get their ticket scanned at the entrance gate started becoming smaller and less dense. The excited and nervous buzz coming from the waiting crowd beforehand had now settled to a smaller cloud of tired groans and moans. Lucas didn't know why he wasn't running towards the entrance gate to jump on his flight and make it to his destination as quick as possible. Something was just holding him to his uncomfortable and oddly sticky waiting room chair. There was something that Lucas could only describe as an odd vibe lingering over him, maybe even a 'bad' vibe. Maybe it was the dreary sky that once held the wonders of the sun now only affiliating with darkness. Maybe it was the uncertainty of the other side of the journey. Whatever it was, it was making Lucas highly uncomfortable, a feeling he didn't think he would associate with this trip.
As the flight attendant called "last call' Lucas hesitantly grabbed his backpack and handed the lady his ticket and his passport. The flight attendant, noticing he was alone, simply smiled at the green eyed boy and mouthed good luck. Lucas only simply bowed his head at her before trenching to the entrance to the plane. He looked behind him as he walked and realised he was the last one to enter the plane. Lucas reached the entrance and handed the lady his ticket before kneeling down and kissing the floor of the tarmac . The flight attendant smiled at the nervous young boy and then he pointed him to the right way to go. Upon arrival of his carriage Lucas became thankful that he did indeed wait behind and savour the peace and quiet he had only momentarily left. There was three children spread across the front row of the section all screaming, their distraught parents frantically looking around apologising profusely. Lucas gave them a smile even though he wasn't particularly happy with what was going on. He then found his seat and sat down next to a larger old man that was snoring very loudly and drooling all over his guns 'n' roses t-shirt.
Lucas than looked to the two seats in front of him and saw two middle aged ladies chatting and competing with each others voices with every note. Lucas sighed and put his seat belt and his eye mask on preparing for what he knew would know be a very long flight.
A loud scream from nearby woke up Lucas, he looked around in a panicked state thinking that the plane was crashing by the frequency of the scream. He looked backwards and saw a stressed young man who was screaming while a flight attendant tried to calm him. She was hushing him and telling him that the turbulence was just the plane landing. Lucas sighed in relief that the plane was finally landing and he could finally have a fraction of a good time, Lucas had chalked about this bad vibes feeling to this whole plane ordeal. There was a loud thud and Lucas flew into the seat in front of him and Lucas was never more thankful that he had finally landed. Even the flight attendants looked around in distain and fear.
As soon as the captain announced that everyone could leave the aircraft Lucas was out of his seat and running towards the exit. Somehow he'd managed to skip all of the lines of people in his frantic exit and he was the first one of the plane. Lucas scurried through the border security fairly quickly considering most of the people from his plane were behind him. When he reached baggage claim he took a moment to himself and sighed before walking out the door to the millions of signs with peoples name on them. He looked to the left and saw his history teacher a wide smile on his face and a sign that said 'Lukey' in all capitals with love hearts around it. Lucas laughed very loudly and ran over to Cory Matthews, when Cory spotted the young boy walking near him he smiled and faked a high pitched squeal. Lucas and Cory laughed when they finally met and embraced in a small hug.

FanfictionThoughts for new stories, that I don't wanna make a story, so I only write a chapter, it's super unoriginal.