Lucas stumbled into the club following behind his best friend Zay. He didn't want to be there at all but Zay had forced him to go out for his birthday. The loud music of the club blared into Lucas' ears making his head throb and he practically dived towards the bar. He ordered himself a pale ale not really knowing what it was and banged his head on the table. He tried to drown the music out with literally anything else but to no avail. After a few moments he felt a few light taps on his back. He groaned a little knowing it was Zay and tilted his head not even bothering to put a smile on his face. He was very shocked when he saw not Zay but a tall Brunette girl sitting over on the seat next to him. She laughed at his shocked expression and held out her hand.
'I'm Riley.' She smiled, he took her hand and shook it slightly.
'Lucas, I'm here with my friend.' He retorted and Riley nodded.
'I know I saw you guys walk in, your friend is with mine right now. I can tell you don't want to be here and neither do I. Want to get a bottle of Rose and go?' She questioned trying not to stutter knowing this was something she didn't do often, but he didn't need to know that she thought.
'You know what, I'm definitely down for that.' He answered calmly.
Riley smiled and left for the other side of the bar to get a bottle of rose. Lucas went to the coatrack and got both of their coats smiling at Zay who was looking at him with a big smirk. Riley started walking to the entrance and put the thumbs up to Maya who was grinding on some guy at smiling widely at Riley.
Riley and Lucas slopped out of the bar standing close to one another.
'Where's your place?' Riley asked quietly. Lucas looked down at her and smiled.
'Two blocks up.' He smiled and Riley nodded.
'Well mines four so you win.' She joked and Lucas giggled a little looking down at the pavement.
They arrived at Lucas' apartment and trotted up the stairs before sitting down on the couch and wrapping their legs up with each others.
'So truth or dare Riley.' Lucas asked turning on the tv.
'Truth.' Riley simpered cracking open the drink and pouring it into two glasses.
'Favourite thing ever.'
'Wine and movies. Truth or dare?'
'I dare you to kiss me.' Riley answered, Lucas barely hesitated locking his lips on hers. Fireworks shot through both their bodies as they both deepened the kiss slightly.
Riley pulled away smirking and rasping 'Dare.'
'I dare you to have your way with me, right here, right now.' Lucas replied. Riley was for once super confident and stripped his clothes off like it was absolutely nothing. Lucas put both of the cups on the coffee table and turned off the tv. Before helping Riley complete his dare.
Riley woke up at four am in Lucas' bed. She smiled over at him and moved over to grab her bra and underwear before trotting into his bathroom, she grabbed his tooth paste and used her finger to brush her teeth and then splashed her face with cold water. She then moved out to the living room and cleaned up all of last nights mess washing the cups and putting the rose in the fridge. Once she was done cleaning she went into his spare bedroom and saw a bunch of gym equipment, hoping he wouldn't mind she hopped onto the treadmill for her usual morning run. Once she was finished that it was almost 5:30 so she darted to the kitchen and grabbed two eggs and began to cook them. She knew it wasn't something people would usually use for a one night stand but she didn't want Lucas to be one of those normal one night stands, she really liked him and wanted to pursue it.
Once she had finished up breakfast it was 6am and she could hear Lucas stirring. She placed the breakfast on a carry tray that she found and walked into Lucas room. She placed the food beside his bed and started slowly kissing his neck. He moaned slightly but opened his eyes and smiled seeing none other than Riley there with him.
'Hey.' He rasped and Riley almost fell apart hearing his morning voice.
'Hey I made you breakfast.' She smiled and moved into bed with him.
'Wait how long have you been up.' He asked moving a strand of hair out of her face, He really liked this girl and thought he might want to do something about in the near future.
'I've been up since 4 am. I had to brush my teeth and stuff and then I, hope you don't mind, went for a run on your treadmill, cleaned up and made breakfast.' Lucas looked over at her awestruck at the ambitious girl. He dived over towards and kissed her before uttering "wonder woman" on her lips.
She pulled back and smiled a perfect candid smile and from that moment on Lucas knew he was going to do his best to keep her.

FanfictionThoughts for new stories, that I don't wanna make a story, so I only write a chapter, it's super unoriginal.