Riley Matthews stumbled into the apartment, alcohol and the affects on the liver seemed to stand out in her brain, that was as she felt the affects on the brain. She slid her shoes off and jumped back in surprise seeing someone on her couch, clutching her heart she stepped back gasping for breath.
'Lucas what are you doing here.' She breathed, Seeing his expression pulled Riley back into reality.
'No Riley where have you been. I've been waiting for you to get back, to surprise you. Is this what you do when I'm studying.' He burst and she cringed at his tone, It wasn't degrading or anything she could call him out for, she just didn't like it.
'Lucas I'm sorry, I just went out to have fun with Maya, I get sloppy but I never do anything with other guys if that's what you are implying.' She hissed and Lucas just rolled his eyes.
'I never implied that don't act as a victim, and going out every day of this week. Riley that's fine I don't own you, but you could of told me, this isn't who you are.' He insisted his arms blocking his chest.
'Well I've changed, it's growth.'
'Not good growth, as I said I don't own you. You have the right to do what you want, but I'm worried, why wouldn't you tell me you were going out. Why did I have to hear it from Farkle, because his girlfriend actually tells him what's going on.' He sighed, you could clearly tell he was sad but she couldn't bring her self to care.
'Well then dump me.' She hissed and he cringed.
'I don't want to dump you when you need me. I don't want to dump you when things get rough, just tell me what's going on, let me help you.' He begged and she slightly considered letting him in, without alcohol she would've opened up, asked for help. The affects of alcohol were a thing though.
'You're right, you would seem like a dick if you dumped me. So I'll do it for you, you're dumped.' She finished, the words came out with regret instantly, the overwhelming amount to take it back came over her. She didn't though.
'I would never force you to do anything Riles, you dump me, I accept that. When you wanna tell me what's going on, my phone is on loud.'
'Why don't you just tell him what was happening even if he didn't understand, which he will, he would still take you back in a minute. You've tortured him and you for a week, I'm over this.' Maya groaned as they sat in Topangas.
'You don't understand I stuffed up, he won't forgive me.'
'But Riles, for people who want forgiveness, they have to admit to mistake and ask for it. Once you've done that you can say he won't forgive me, but riles you haven't even given him a chance.' She oozed and I couldn't help but groan, I hate what I did, I done messed up. Why should I deserve forgiveness.
'Get out of here, your presence and sad aura annoys me.' Maya groaned kicking my butt so I was pushed near the door, we bought a zoo came to mind and I decided that I would use 20 seconds of courage. I ran to his apartment and knocked loudly on the door, running on the spot awaiting an answer. A groggy and half naked Lucas answered the door, his under eye bags very prominent. He looked as bad as I felt.
'Yes-Riley didn't expect you.' He answered excited.
'I'm so sorry for everything, I was going through a really bad time and I didn't want to interrupt your studies with my problems so Maya and I went drinking. To take away the pain, I didn't know how to deal with all the pain. I also didn't want to tell you what was going on, you would of been so disappointed.' I rambled and Lucas just stood there a little shook.
'Hey it's alright come in, we'll talk.' He calmly spoke and I envied him, his hand on my lower back guiding me into his apartment.
'What's going on Riley, I don't care about the drinking you were just trying to take the pain away, what caused the pain.' He questioned and I looked at the floor.
'I can't tell you, you'll be so mad it's all my fault.' I sobbed and he just pulled me into his chest.
'Riley I could never. I know you didn't cheat, Maya already told me so nothing could make me mad.' He whispered and I stifled a laugh at the cheating thing, it would've been a deal breaker.
'I-I-I, I was pregnant with your child and I lost it. I didn't even know I was pregnant, I just had a really sharp pain in my stomach.' I sobbed and I felt some warm tears on my back.
'Of course it hurts Riles, but it's not your fault at all. It's not your fault.'
'But they said it could've been diet or-'
'You didn't know, even if you did, it's not your fault. We will get through this together.'
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dorothyfriar this was the only way I could show you my dogs in Christmas costumes. Still have no explanation why they were in Christmas costumes. a/n