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"We are King and queen." "No You'll be my queen and I'll be your moat."-PROMPTTT

Lucas Friar and Riley Matthews stroll down the loud streets of New York. They're holding each others hand and Riley is looking out at the views of the Manhattan skyline. She becomes mesmerised by the pink glow laying behind the buildings and she quickly grabs her phone out and snaps a picture. Lucas kisses her on the cheek and tells her he needs to grab something from the store behind her. She nods lightly and leans against the building as she scrolls through her instagram. From the side she sees a mans face in pain. Riley rotates her head and sees a guy injecting himself with some form of drug she has never heard of. The guy looked up and smirked as he saw her, he lifted up his needle offering her one of her own and she quickly nodded her head and removed herself from the situation.

She ran up the cracked concrete and saw the sky turning to a black colour. She had completely forgotten about Lucas and the store and was more focused about leaving and not about where she was going or what her plan was. She ran past an alleyway and stopped momentarily to catch her breathe. The road was a slight hill and Riley was in heels and knew taking off her heels would do more harm than good. Riley heard a loud cough and she turned to face three women dressed in very provocative clothing staring at her, they each had a cigarette in each hand and their eyes stabbed into her soul like a dagger. One of them emerged further into the streetlight and stomped her stiletto foot right in front of Riley's wedge heel.

'This is our turf. No ones on 16th tonight and there are plenty of men there. So leave me and my girls for these ones. K dolls.' She spat and the other girls nodded as they breathed in the smoke . The smoke surrounded Riley's face and she became very aware of second hand smoke. She hated Smoking but she would never judge another human for their choices. It finally clicked in Riley's head what these people were talking about and her jaw dropped.

'No no no. I'm not a prostitut-' She started but the ladies stern gaze stopped her sentence.

'What's your preferred term.' She questions and the three girls laughed.

'Entertainers darling.' They spoke a littler softer but still kept their strong voice.

'Oh I'm not an entertainer. I'm actually a teacher.' She responded.

'Wait you aren't one of us.' The girl from the back asked and Riley shook her head.

'Oh well darling you better head out of here. Especially alone.' The other back one sneered and Riley's breathing quickened remembering her boyfriend.

'Oh I am with someone and I've left them. Got to go ladies.' She called as she raced back down the steep hill. She saw the girls roll their eyes and wave before walking back to the alley. Riley had been running for a short time when she saw a large group of young men leave a bar. She was so close to being able to walk around but the men had taken over the whole sidewalk. She sighed and let out a light excuse me before trying to break through the boys. The boy in front of her turned to look at her and looked her up and down.

'Oi mates look at the tits on this one.' The boy yelled alcohol radiating off his breathe. All the boys turned and a whistle rung through her ears.

'Oh and those legs. For days.' A guy closer to the back yelled causing Riley to scoff tears welling up in her eyes.

'Yeah whatever. Can you just let me through please.' She croaked wondering what kind of neighbourhood she had walked into to. She tried to walk around but the fast traffic on the street meant she would probably get run over.

One of the guys grabbed her arm and started pulling her up the hill. She struggled in the guys grasp and scratched and clawed while trying to wave down cars. Tears started to fall out of her eyes and she could feel her vision becoming black. She knew the signs of a panic attack from her teacher courses but she had never had one before. She tried to slow her breathing but to no avail. She heard someone talking into her ear and she tried to follow their instructions.

After a few minutes she finally started to see again and her breathing was back at a normal rate once again. She turned to her right and saw none other than her boyfriend Lucas Friar, her prince.

'Hey baby. You've come back. How are you, are you ok. Come on the uber is here.' He ranted as he ushered her into the uber.

'What happened to the g-guyyyy.' Riley attempted to utter as she cried into his chest.

'It's ok I beat him up. He's okay as well they're all gone .' He whispered while kissing her temple. Lucas noticed she was still really tense and wanted nothing but to make her feel better.

'You know what we are.' He yelled and Riley shot her head up at his unexpected tone.

'We are King and queen.' She muttered remembering the story Lucas used to tell her in high school.

'No!' He spoke and Riley furrowed her brows considering that's not how the story usually went.

'You'll be my queen.' Lucas said as he kissed her knuckles and looked into her sad eyes that somehow still held a small gleam.

'And I'll be your moat .' He finished kissing her cheeks and her forehead and finally her lips. He heard her giggle and a large smile grew on his face, that was Lucas' favourite sound.

'That doesn't even make sense.'

'Uhh yes it does. You'll be your perfect self and I'll be your moat protecting you from every bad thing. While still loving you of course.' He gloated causing Riley to forget the world as he puffed his chest.

'Sounds perfect.'

Guess who's back.

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