Lmao this could've happened to me but i didn't answer my phone at 2 o'clock in the morning.
Riley Matthews was fast asleep dreaming of cotton candy and unicorns, when suddenly her phone ringtone blasted throughout the room. She jolted upwards and darted around looking for her phone in the dark of the night, she finally found it after 5 rings and didn't even bother to look at the caller ID before answering.
'Hello' She groggily answered and she heard a light laugh burst through the phone making her head throb slightly.
'Hey Riles.' The oh so familiar voice blared through the phone and Riley instantly woke herself up.
'Lucas why are you calling me at-' She paused to check the time on her phone, only to see the numbers 2:34 glaring back at her.
'2:34 in the morning.' She whisper shouted, it was times like this she was thankful her parents were at the other end of her apartment but she didn't want to risk a thing.
'Is Maya over?' He questioned and she actually had to look next to her to make sure Maya had not snuck in during the night.
'No she actually isn't why whats up. Do you need to come over?' She asked hoping he wasn't in trouble and didn't have to see her in her messy bed head state.
'No I just really wanted to chat.' He sulked and it clicked in Riley's head why her boyfriend was calling.
'Stressed about your future.' She sighed already knowing the answer. Lucas had burned himself out just so he could have a good future, all the pressure and weight he bestowed upon himself left him with mental illness. He now had anxiety and depression and Riley hated that he did that to himself and she wasn't there to help.
A loud sigh and a small almost sob like sound came from the other end of the phone. Riley had to hold in her emotions as she heard his distraught state from the other end of the phone, and she couldn't be there to hold him and help him.
'I just-I'm just so worried. What if I don't amount to anything Riley. What if I let everyone down and I just end up being a failure.' He cried and Riley's heart panged.
'Lucas, Lucas you know I think you can do anything you want to. Even if you can't, even if you stuff up, everyone is going to be there by your side to lift you back up. You're only human Lucas.' She pleaded through the phone.
'Will you still be there. Riley I don't think I can do this without you.' He sobbed.
'Of course. I will always be your biggest cheerleader. Even if I am pretty sucky at it.' She uttered and heard a big laugh from the other end making her smile.
'You are good at it Riley.' He spoke and she could feel her self starting to drift off once again.
'Lucas do you wanna come over. My parents will understand, I don't want you to have an attack if I fall asleep.' She got out her eyes snapping shut every couple of seconds.
'Yeah Riles.' She heard before she drifted off to sleep.
'Riles it's me.' She heard someone whisper in her lucid state.
'Ugh.' She groans and she felt someones arms wrap around her waist from behind her. Realising who it was she turned around cuddled into his chest, inhaling his scent.
'Are you feeling better.' She asked him, her eyes still closed.
'Now that I'm cuddling you. I have never been better.' He spoke before turning off her lamp and getting comfortable.
Then they drifted off to sleep, all the worries and dreams staying behind not even mattering. Because they had each other.

FanfictionThoughts for new stories, that I don't wanna make a story, so I only write a chapter, it's super unoriginal.