So I'm really quite sick, while my headache has gone down I will write!!! But I hallucinated last night so if this is shit I have an excuse.
Riley arrived at school very happy, the sun was shining and it was Spring, so the flowers were blooming.
She skipped her way over to her best friend Maya and saw her roll her eyes at her friends happiness. She sighed slamming her locker and was a little confused when there was absolutely no scream from the other Side. She was a little concerned but realising Riley was happy she brushed it off, maybe a staff meeting she thought.
'Hey Riley what's got you so happy.' Maya groaned grabbing her history book. She pulled out her black pencil case, calculator and a book. She hid her phone in between the book and pencil case. Riley trotted over to her locker spinning along the way and opened her locker. She stared at all the pictures of the sunset, some pink and purple, some blue and orange. Riley absolutely adored the sunset, every sunset felt like a message from God that he would protect us in our sleep. She also liked the sunrise but Riley was afraid her happy mood would tarnish if she had to wake up so early.
She pulled out her brightly coloured books and her rainbow pencil case. She secured her phone in her locker not wanting to get into any trouble. Once she grabbed her stuff she grabbed Maya's hand and pulled her over to the concrete seat in the middle of the hall. She always wondered why the middle school halls weren't more, fun, but Riley didn't mind at all. She would make her own happiness.
'So let me guess, flowers sunset blah blah.' Maya droned her eyes rolling even more. Riley beamed at the thought of last nights reddened sunset, it scared her a little but the fact that the sun came up in the morning made her happy.
'Yep. Why are you so, uhh bored.' Riley questioned a little scared that Maya would snap her head off. Maya moved a little closer and Riley moved back. Her back hit a body like force and she turned around giving herself whiplash.
'Ow.' She groaned and the figure looked down at her in concern.
'Are you ok ma'am.' The young boy asks in a Texas accent. She laughed a little bit hearing that in real life, it was really quite odd.
'Yeah just a little whiplash. I'm sorry but I don't know you, are you new?' She asked looking at the tall, very pretty boy in front of her.
'Yes huckleberry moved here about 1 week ago or something.' Maya flattened and picked at her nails.
'Sorry about her she's just a little madder than usual I guess, and huckleberry, what .' She asked confused turning to Maya. Maya looked up for her moment and shrugged her shoulders, Texas, breakfast at tiffanys, what a combination.
'So anyway uhh Texas guy. How are you liking New York.' Riley pondered and Lucas laughed holding out his hand.
'It's Lucas.' He spoke still a thick accent peaking through. Riley's smile widened when she thought about his name, Riley and Lucas, it sounded nice.
'I'm Riley. ' she retorted taking his hand in hers and shaking it. Lucas offered her a smile and sat down beside her on the bench. Maya rolled her eyes so hard Riley feared her eyes would fall out.
'And my first week in New York. Well it started off horribly when I missed the subway, but my mum drove me and I ended up earlier. So I sat in the back. My favourite teacher so far has been mr Matthews.' He splattered and Riley raised her eyebrows.
'Oh well mr Matthews is my dad.' She spoke with a little worry in her voice.
'I'm glad you like him. I don't a lot of them time.' She continued honestly and Lucas' smile turned to a frown.

FanfictionThoughts for new stories, that I don't wanna make a story, so I only write a chapter, it's super unoriginal.