HEY YOU GUYS. I am alive, just it was the first week back and it sucked!! I had to have a day off because panic attacks and things but otherwise it was jaunt shitty!! I'm uploading both days this weekend to make up for it but I do have a updating schedule. This Monday and Thursday, vloggers Tuesday Friday. When work in progress comes back that will be on Wednesday (weekend off)!!!Ok I haven't done a basically full smut one yet, I'm not really confident in writing it. So sorry if this sucks but yeah smut warning.
'Health class, welcome back.' Their teacher announced and they all groaned, everyone knew health was an easy A, no one really cared.
'Ok so straight into a project, you will be partnered with a boy and basically and you will be discussing together, trying to normalise natural bodily functions. This will be after class and if you are confused on what, it's basically girls talk about periods and boys talk about bodily urges. Just try not to be so awkward anymore, Your partners are posted at the front. Work out on when you'll complete it for the rest of the lesson.' He grunted and everyone sprinted to the front, Riley sighed when she saw he name with Lucas. They were 17 and really good friends, they also had an unofficial thing going, she trusted he wouldn't be too awkward.
'Oh my gosh I got Zay, just another project I'm going to fail.' Maya complained and Riley rolled her eyes, what a drama queen.
'Maya it's easy.'
'Yeah Riles you can barely talk to me about this stuff, let alone ranger rick. You'll fail.' she fired back and I was truly offended.
'I just don't see the need to talk about it, but we have to so I will. I'm mature, it's natural.' I retorted and it was her turn to roll her eyes.
'Yeah now naturally make your way over to Lucas.'
We had decided to go to Lucas' house to study, no one would be home for hours and it would be a nice quiet place to discuss. I knocked and after no response I walked in, Lucas was no where to be found so I walked into his room, only to find a very naked and a very wet Lucas. Uttering some swear words I covered my eyes and backed out of the room, I mean he shouldn't be embarrassed, he had a good body, a good sized di-.
My thoughts were interrupted by a more covered Lucas, he still had no top, but I'm not complaining.
'I'm sorry about that princess, I just left my top because you've seen it all now, and it's all natural.' He joked and I couldn't help but giggle. I sat down on his bed and he followed behind me.
'Ok so let's talk about you bleeding 5 days every month, what's up with that.' Lucas said snapping the silence and I giggled again.
'Well I actually bleed 6 days and uh what do you want to know.'
'Are you on it now.'
'just got off it.'
'Pads or tampons.' He questioned and I smirked.
'Uh both.' I answered biting my nails.
'On a scale of 1-10 how annoying is it.' He seethed and moved my gaze.
'It's 10 inconvenient, you could get it anywhere, getting supplies is awkward, cramps. So I'm gonna go with a ten annoying as well. Now tell me about me about you.'
'Well I have urges, sexually.' He started and I held back my laughter.
'Most people do.'
'Yes especially around you, and when you wear tops that accent your cleavage, this is in no way defying. It just gets me going, I mean I am naturally supposed to have urges around women, but you I do a lot. I would never force you to wear something different or make you do something for me without consent though, don't stress.' He ranted and my breathe hitched several times, he thinks about me.
'Well who said I wouldn't give you consent.' I smirked and Lucas' eyes filled with lust.
'Little Riley Matthews thinks about having sex with me.' He asked, not in a superior or offence way, more shock, happiness.
'Well it's only natural to be attracted to someone like you.' I stuttered moving closer to him, As he did the same.
'Well maybe I should ask for consent.' He whispered his voice husky and dry.
' My consent is yours.' And instantly the space between us broke and our lips were locked, heavily I stuck my tongue inside him, he moaned and we rolled back onto his bed.
He quickly took off my top and started to kiss down my neck and the valley of my breasts, I ran my hands through his hair, The soft locks falling through my fingers. He unclipped my bra with a little bit of struggle but he got there, A smirk over took his face at he stared at my naked upper body.
'So that's what they look like with a bra off, even better.' He yelled and I laughed, quickly continuing to the task at hand. Kissing his way down my body he worked to remove my shorts, I rubbed my hands against his tone body, moaning at all the bumps. It's pretty accurate to how I imagined it, I took off his boxers while he gave me light pepper kisses on my thighs. It was a struggle but I did it, Moving his lips back on mine I got to work, Maya always told me to pleasure a boy. My hand grasped his member and quickly moved my hand up and down, He moaned into the kiss. I took that as a good sign and kept going.
'We don't have much time princess, I'll pleasure you like that next time.' He moaned and I smiled. 'next time.'
Stopping what I was doing Lucas bent over to his nightstand and took out the silver wrapper. I kissed his neck and in time he was gradually going inside me.
'Tell me if it hurts too much, I'll stop.' I nodded and he continued, pain overtook my body and I dug my nails in his back, pain surged my body and I couldn't help the whimpers and few tears that escaped. It hurts, Lucas quickly pulled out and I reassured him. The pain soon turned into pleasure and I was moaning all over the place. I felt a surge run through my body and I called out his name, once again, the pleasure overtaking me. We both stopped and lay down next to each other our bodies, hot and sweaty.
'Well we learned a lot of natural things about our body for health class.'
this was so awkward to write, I fucking chose health as an elective cause you had to have one pe and fuck running, but the whole thing is sex and periods. So I poured my anger out here, I know everything is natural y'all i'm just awks

FanfictionThoughts for new stories, that I don't wanna make a story, so I only write a chapter, it's super unoriginal.