LMAO I WISH I COULD MAKE THIS KINKY BUT IM RESTRAINING MYSELF. P.A stands for personal assistant. I decided this a three parter because I just have a lot of feelings.
Young Riley Matthews strolled into her new office building, she was fresh out of college wanting an easy job that beefed up her resume. Apparently this job was a good one to have, not many people can survive the wrath of her new boss, whom she has never met, but she felt like she could do it. All she had to be was his pa longer than two weeks and she would beat the record, Riley always felt like she was really good at taming people though, Her first boyfriend Charlie was proof of that. He was supposed to be a bad boy but he was just a loveable smoosh underneath, all he wanted was someone to talk to.
She strolled the quiet thing corridors and saw all the offices, everyone working hard on something probably important, but Riley didn't care. She was regretting her decision to wear the outfit Maya choose for her, the tight-fitting short skirt was black and hugged her curves, it was paired with a white blouse, tucked in and stilettos. She felt so insecure being this slutty, but alas she wasn't her for long, may as well show a side of her she will never see again. Distracted by looking at the offices she didn't notice someone charging down the hall, he rammed into her accidentally shoving cake on her collarbone, very close to her boobs and top, thank god for low cut.
'Oh my god would you watch where you are-' The person started but stopped once he looked at her, he was completely mesmerised, she was an angel in his eyes.
'Uh I'm sorry miss here let me huh.' He spoke trying to scoop the cake from her chest, Riley suddenly felt very awkward, one of her co workers was basically feeling her up on her first day. He suddenly realised that his hand was indeed pretty much right on her boobs and pulled away apologising, returning to his stern gaze.
'Um that's fine, I'm actually looking for mr Friars office, I'm his new pa.' Riley asked, she didn't want to be awkward with this guy she might see again, I mean he was young around Riley's age, they'd probably see each other again.
'This is he, I was coming to look for you. Follow me.' Her apparently boss commanded, marching down the hall, she didn't miss how scared people got when he walk past. Suddenly everyone was working super hard.
'How are you so young and a ceo, I mean you're like my age.' Riley hesitantly questioned, even though he basically felt her up before he was still scary.
'My dad passed away, I had to inherit the company effective at 21, now I'm 23.' He answered his voice stern, Riley couldn't help but think she saw a flicker of sadness in there.
'I'm really sorry about that mr Friar.'
'Don't be silly, you didn't kill him, cancer did. Now here's my office, We will be in here most of the day. Your desk is that one in the corner, I already have a few things you need to sort alphabetically, I'll be at my desk right behind you if you need anything.' He said sitting down on his big brown leather chair that can't be comfortable.
maybe he wasn't that bad.
'how bad was it' Maya questioned as Riley, joined her in Topanga's and ordered a smoothie from one of the workers.
'I mean he is scary as hell but it wasn't too bad, he did kind of feel me up though.' Riley answered laughing and sitting down next to Maya in the booth, they were now waiting on Farkle to show with smackle and they could head to the bar.
'What.' Maya whisper yelled and Riley realised she didn't phrase that very well at all.
'No I fell into him and chocolate cake went basically in my cleavage and he tried to get it not realising where he was.' Riley laughed and Maya joined her, the heard the door chime and they looked over to see none other than not farkle, but her boss. His black coat pulled over his suit, almost instantly he recognised her and walked towards them.
'Miss Matthews, it's good to see you.' Lucas spoke.
'Umm you can call me Riley, I mean that is my name.' Riley hesitantly said, she knew she would never answer to miss Matthews, she sometimes forgot her last name was matthews.
'As you wish.'
'So you must be huckleberry, ceo guy.' Maya shouted breaking their trance, Riley's eyes widened when Maya said that, Maya knew he was scary and that's why she did it, to stir him.
Lucas stifled a laugh. 'Uh that's not how it's usually put but as you do, You look like Maya the one Riley said was in her picture, I'm Lucas Friar.'
Riley placed the picture on her desk and went back to work.
'Who is that , your girlfriend?' Lucas questioned and Riley shot him daggers, she saw nothing wrong with lesbians but she was very much straight and people always thought her and Maya were lesbians.
'No, I'm very straight, That's my best friend Maya,'
'Well I best be going.' He started before Maya cut him off.
'No no stay, we were just heading to a bar with our friends, you should come it looks like you need a break.' Maya sighed and shrugged as Riley shot her daggers.
'Umm ok sounds good.' He politely said.
'Well my boyfriend and our friends are outside lets go.' Maya announced and bounced out of the cafe, leaving me and Lucas in the dust.
'You first Riley.' He said gesturing towards the door and I walked out, his hand somehow finding the small of my back giving me tingles.
We walk towards my friends and I introduce him to my friends, they all smile before packing into Josh's trunk.
The whole ride Lucas' hand rests on my upper thigh, I knew the short tight dress was not a good idea, you could practically see my butt.
I try to focus on anything else as I watch the buildings go by, the cluttered new york streets haunting me.
'We are here.' Josh yells and I wonder why we had to drive.
I practically run into the bar, giving the person my id and running in. I danced and danced and Lucas did too, occasionally glancing at me while some other girl grinds on him. He goes to sit down in a booth and I watch him, before I knew it I had been knocked and I was stumbling forward.
Somehow, I had ended up in his lap, my legs wrapped around his waist and our faces so close.
Then we were kissing.

FanfictionThoughts for new stories, that I don't wanna make a story, so I only write a chapter, it's super unoriginal.