Chapter 7: Search Party

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~Klaus POV~

Klaus stood with Marcel and Elijah in the middle of the quarter amidst the festival celebrations when his sister walked up to them.

"Sister" Klaus said with a smirk. "Come to join us in the hunt for our missing witch?"

"We can't let your secret weapon get in the wrong hands now, can we?" She said with a smile. "Especially now that your former one is on her side."

"I assure you Fore, is only against us to punish me." Klaus said shaking his head. "All these atrocities she plans to do are just out of spite and eventually when she feels like my sins have been atoned for, she will return because she loves us, she loves us all. Last night showed us that much"

"What about her behaviour with Marcel earlier today?" Elijah asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"Like I said, it's to spite me. I wouldn't be surprised if she'd turned her humanity off" He lied through his teeth to all of them. He knew Fiore still had her humanity on, and he didn't know why she had attacked Marcel like she did, she loved him like a son and yet now she had turned her back on him. He was beginning to think his wife didn't have a saving grace any longer. "Anyway, let's address the matter at hand. Davina. We are mere minutes from her return."

"Niklaus that is your diabolical machination voice" Elijah said warily. "What have you done?" Klaus smirked and left to retrieve the key to his plan.

"Hello Timothy. Might I have a word?"

~Fiore POV~

"What do you mean Klaus has Tim?" I shrieked as Josh came into relay the news.

"I don't know what to tell you, but he has him" Josh said frantically.

"And if we don't give him Davina, he'll kill Tim. Right" Fiore said in a huff. "You go to the Quarter and stay hidden. The two of us will meet with Davina and I'll figure out a plan on the way."

Cami and I rushed over to the church and found Davina hiding in the church, she was ducked away hiding from Klaus's search party I presume. At least she was a smart girl, I was growing fond of her.

"Davina, this guy has your friend Tim" Cami blurted out.

"Cami!" I said rubbing my temples. Davina was going to get herself killed.

"I have to go; they have Tim" She said worried about her friend.

"Davina wait a minute"

"No" She panicked. "I can't just let Tim die because of me" As she left I felt a group of people coming to join us, judging by Davina's sudden magic flushes she felt the same.

"What is it?" Cami asked.

"The witches are here" I turned to Davina as the witches burst through the church doors but she was still under the effects of the witches' magic. I panicked in frustration as they began to chant their incantation and threw Cami against the wall, instantly making her black out. I waved my hands at the witches and their necks snapped.

"We have to go Davina" I said as she was released from the witches hold. I picked her up and she turned back to look at Cami.

"What about Cami?"

"She'll be fine; she's just temporarily knocked out. Besides, no one is looking for her—they're looking for you." I sped away knowing exactly where I needed to be. "It's time we pay my husband a visit."

"Let me down." She begged as I carried her over my shoulder.

"Why would I do that?"

"I want them to know I'm not scared." I sighed and dropped her down. She was brave. "Wait here, I need to talk to Josh."

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