Chapter 59: An Evaluation On Love

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Josh and I were with the doctor and Kieran in the attic, whilst Klaus and Cami spoke about what to do with Kieran. I looked over at Josh who was admiring his new daylight ring. Davina worked quickly.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I asked smiling at him.

"Not nearly as beautiful as the sun" He said beaming back. I turned to look at the doctor who was getting dangerously close to Kieran.

"I wouldn't get that close" I warned him. "He's a tad unpredictable and well um— "

"Murder-y" Josh finished for me.

"Yeah that."

"It's just fascinating. Could I speak to the witches responsible?" He said still examining the priest who was now roaring like a lion.

"I wouldn't do that either" I told him eyeing Kieran very carefully.

"Also unpredictable and murder-y" Josh said with a nervous chuckle.

Kieran leant down and bit his thumb off, aiming to break free of his restraints. He released his hand and lunged for Dr Sheski, who Josh moved out of the way whilst I desperately tried to control the priest.

"Bloody hell." I muttered looking at his thumb. "HELP PLEASE" I called out as Cami and Klaus rushed into the room. We tied Kieran back down to the bed whilst the doctor wrapped his hand up.

"Hayley's calling" Klaus said to me confused.

"Well there you have it, friend number 1." I said still looking at Cami and her deranged uncle.

"You want me to be friends with Hayley? I think you've got the wrong brother Blossom, she and Elijah are the torn up lovebirds here." He told me.

"All the more reason for you to befriend her." I said shrugging.

"You wouldn't be worried about that?" He asked me dumbfounded.

"Should I be?"

"Not in the slightest." He said shrugging as he picked up.

"Klaus where are you?" She asked him.


"Sorry, bit of a situation." He said looking at the angry priest along with me.

"I think Silas's thing happened." She told him. "A suicide bomber came out to the Bayou this morning."

"What? Where are you?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm in the city now. I'm fine. I figured an attack like that must have been Marcel. He's hated the wolves for years, and after that stunt he pulled with the witches... So, I tracked him down. Thought you might like to help kick his ass for trying to blow us to kingdom come." She told him.

"I assure you, once I am finished here, you will have my undivided attention. In the meantime, please stay out of trouble." He said kindly.

"Don't worry. Elijah's with me. But if you're free anytime soon, I'm up for it." She said as she hung up the phone.

"Josh, get him out of here" Klaus told the doctor. "Make sure he remembers nothing."

"Actually, I'll go." I volunteered.

"Why? What's the point of Josh being here if not to run errands?" Klaus asked me.

"You're a right twat, aren't you?" I said shaking my head as I leaned up to kiss him. "I'll be back soon, don't do anything stupid."

"Mind giving me a ride too?" Josh asked as he led the Doctor out.

"Why not?"

I drove Josh over to his place and then I took the doctor back to his hospital. It was a bright blue building, quite gaudy for a hospital but this is New Orleans.

"Are you gonna mind control me now?" The doctor asked as we pulled up in front of the George Elliott hospital.

"Not quite yet love. I have one last request."

~Klaus POV~

Klaus and Cami stood in silence in Kieran's room where he lay under Fiore's sleeping spell. His heart monitor started to beep loudly and Klaus knew it was Kieran's time to die.

"Cardiac arrest" Klaus explained to Cami as he rolled up his sleeve. "Probably best if you looked away." He jammed his hand into Kieran's chest and started to massage it.

"What the hell are you doing?" Cami asked in a panic.

"Massaging his heart. His body is shutting down. Even with my help, he doesn't have much time." Klaus told her signalling that it was the end.

"What if you fed him your blood?" She asked in a frenzy. "He'd wake back up."

"As a vampire in transition. But death will be a mercy when it comes to that hex Camille." He told her.

"No! Please! Do it. Just do it. Please, Klaus, I can't let him die, not like this." She said starting to cry. He had half a mind to let him go but he couldn't bring himself to do so. He bit into his wrist and fed Kieran his blood. He removed his hand and watched as eventually his heart monitor started a dull buzz signifying he was gone.

Klaus and Cami went down into the church and sat there waiting for Kieran to wake up in transition. They were still sitting in an awkward silence and Cami finally broke the silence.

"So that's what we're doing? We're just gonna sit here in silence saying nothing?" She asked in frustration.

"It appears so" He said shrugging. "Unless you have something you'd like to confess?"

"What if I did confess, huh?" She asked indignantly. "Why would it even matter if I did?"

"Because she's my wife." He said rolling her eyes.

"So if I did hypothetically confess to your crazy accusation?" she said quieting down. "What happens then?"

"Well if the past is any indicator then I'd try to kill you. Or dagger you." He told her.

"Thanks" She said sarcastically.

"Don't worry, I rarely ever succeed. But recently I've found an alternative—I'd use you to my advantage."

"Excuse me?"

"Love is both a weakness and a strength, depending on how you use it." He said turning away from her. "I'd exploit your feelings to help keep her safe."

"Did I miss it?" Fiore asked as she ran into the church. "Is he gone?"

"He's in transition." Cami told her worriedly.

"I thought I said not to do anything stupid!" Fiore said looking at them in a panic. "A hex like that will follow him through transition. When he wakes up it will still be on him! On top of that he will be furious! He's a priest and you turned him into a vampire!"

"It's fine." Klaus said standing up. "We all know he'll never go through with it, hex or no hex he hates vampires. I never planned to turn him into a vampire, I just wanted her to say goodbye."

"And I wish I could stay and help but we need to go Nik. Investigate that bombing." Fiore said urging him to come with her.

"Wait Rey, could you stay a little longer?" Cami asked her. Klaus immediately started to glare and Cami spoke up again. "Or you Klaus, either works."

"I'll stay" Klaus said sitting back down.

"No I will." Fiore said shaking her head. "You need to go and grill Genevieve, she won't tell me anything, that much is certain, so you try."

Klaus saw Cami sneak a slight smile and grumbled as he reluctantly left the church and went to find Genevieve. He couldn't even tell if Fiore was aware or not but he knew Cami was. And he wasn't sure he would tolerate it for much longer.

A/N: Klaus is jelly AF and Cami is playing her cards to her advantage! But Klaus is between the devil and the deep blue sea because Cami being in love with Fiore means another love competitor but if he ges rid of her Fiore will only be pushed further away! Decisions, decisions.

Also, what was Fiore up to with the doctor? Leave a comment telling me what you think she's up to! Also vote, comment and follow me, or else the murder-y and unpredictable witches will come after you!

Hope you enjoyed! Love you as always! X

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