Chapter 40: Quickly and Simply

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A/N: Alistair is once again connected to the world! Wooo!

I walked around the French Quarter looking for something, anything to make me feel better than I did right now. I was a pregnant woman with hormones dancing all over the place and a husband who was hell-bent on killing his sister. So if you couldn't already tell, life couldn't get any worse.

"Fiore! Fiore! There you are" Cami said panting as she ran up to me. "Klaus left."

My murderous husband disappeared. Serves me right for tempting the universe.

"Oh bugger!" I grumbled. "Where to?" I said dragging her as I started to search for him.

"He didn't say" She said still trying to catch her breath.

"Okay, what did you talk about?" I asked her, looking for any sort of clue that might tell me where he had disappeared to.

"He told me about one of your sexcapades, gross" She said shuddering. "He told me about the day you went to see Le Grand Guignol. You know why am I not surprised he likes the opera?" I stopped dead in my tracks when she said that name.

"He always had a particular soft spot for Le Grand Guignol." I mumbled. "He likes the story. A tale of forbidden love, a Romeo and Juliet of sorts. On the day they're to be married, family and long-festering hatred intervene. Thousands are massacred. A father even kills his own child in the final act. Even I can almost appreciate the irony"

"Do you know where he is then?" She asked.

"Maybe, but what else did you talk about?" I asked as I made my way to the theatre.

"He talked about how his father tried to get Elijah to help kill him. He told me about the white oak stake too." She said trying to recall what he said to her.

"Oh sod on it. He has one." I said panicking. "We need to find him quickly."

"I don't get him" She said getting angry. "When you showed me all he did to me, all he took from me, I wanted to kill him. I even thought about burying that blade in him instead of you but I didn't. I stopped. I weighed the good I see in him versus the horrible things I know he's done, and I realized if I hurt him, I'd be filled with this awful regret."

"Good you see in him?" I asked slightly jealous.

"He loves you, with all his heart, I can see it in him and I hate it because I know he's a bad person" She said shaking her head. "But I know that he loves you, and you love him, which means there has to be some good in him. But, by hunting Rebekah and Marcel down to the ends of the earth, by terrorizing them the way he was terrorized, he'll be no different than Mikael."

"Don't ever say that again" I said clenching my fists and feeling my vampire eyes coming out. "You can justify calling Nik every and any shade of monster, but Mikael? Mikael was the monster monsters were afraid of."

"How bad could he have been?" She said as we finally arrived at the opera house.

"You know the history of this city, don't you?" I asked her as we entered inside. "That night in 1919, when the opera house burned down on this very spot? That was Mikael at his worst."

Klaus, Rebekah and I were sitting up in a private box, waiting for the show to start. Rebekah looked around anxiously waiting for Marcel to arrive whilst Klaus was bored and impatient so he decided to tease her.

"Your relationship is already off to a rough start." Klaus told Rebekah. "Your societal debut together as a couple after I gave you my blessing and he's a no-show."

"He's probably just delayed Rebekah." I told her whilst smacking Klaus lightly.

"Or now that your illicit affair is in the open he finds your relationship boring and he's run off to Havana with a showgirl." He said chuckling to himself.

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