Chapter 42: That of Madman

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A/N: The final chapter of the Enigmatic Week...

I carried all three bodies away and into one of the crypts. These three would eventually be the death of me. I laid their bodies down and placed them under an illusion at least this way, no one ends up dead. I looked down at them and sighed, picking up Rebekah and Elijah again and putting them all in different crypts, just in case things didn't go to plan. I picked up my phone and called someone to help me. I wasn't going to make it through on my own.

"Hello love. I'm gonna need your help, again."


"Walk away" Elijah told Klaus warning him. "Leave us alone Rebekah."

"I can't. We're stuck here." Rebekah said in fear. "Elijah, he has the white oak stake."

"Then get out of his sight. Your presence here only serves to anger him. Leave him to me." Elijah told Rebekah, who immediately ran away.

"You would side with that traitor." Klaus said rolling his eyes.

"I'm not choosing sides but you cannot hurt our sister" Elijah said stopping him.

"We cannot leave this cemetery, Elijah. How long do you think you can defend her?" Klaus said smirking before vamping off. Elijah tried to stop him, but I placed a wall in front of his way, letting Elijah easily catch up with him, blocking his way again.

"As long as it takes, by whatever means necessary"


"Fiore, I'm here." Cami said as she came into the crypt. "Did you put the blade in him again?" She asked as she looked down at Klaus's unmoving body, taking me out of the illusion.

"No, he's under an illusion. It's a long story" I said brushing it off. "Did you bring what I asked you to bring?"

"I'm guessing Rebekah is around here somewhere? Marcel is looking for her" Cami said as she hauled in the bags.

"Yeah, Rebekah calls him a lot. In the dreamscape, I mean." I said looking through her packages. "You got it all!"

"Yeah, why'd you ask for so much?" Cami said as she brought out all the food. "I thought it was for all of you."

"I'm eating for two now" I said as I brought out a burger she had bought for me. "I'm so hungry it is unreal."

"So when are you gonna help my Uncle Kieran?" Cami asked pleading with me.

"One second, I need to sort out Klaus and Elijah. They're in need of a trip down memory lane."


"You've been at this for hours now" Elijah said scolding his brother. "To what end Niklaus? I know you, I grew up fighting you. I will not be beaten, and neither will I be persuaded. You cannot get past me."

"I could actually." Nik said smirking as he paced around. "Although it might be over your dead body. After all you gave Silas the cure, separating my wife and I. Maybe I should direct my rage at you." He pointed the stake at Elijah, threateningly but Elijah merely scoffed, clearly unfazed by the threat.

"You should see yourself—" Elijah said looking at Nik with utmost disappointment. "The murderous expression, the self-righteous posturing. You look like Father" I choked in pain after Elijah said that to him. It was an unfair thing to say and I hated that I couldn't have stopped him from hearing it.

"I'm not him." He shot back angrily but also visibly pained. "Rebekah's betrayal justifies my anger. His was that of a madman, not that you would know, as you were never the recipient of his cruelty. Not one of you, not Kol, not Finn, no one! Maybe you've forgotten what he was truly like."

A young Elijah and Klaus were in the forest where Elijah was teaching Klaus proper aim and how to use a bow and arrow. Klaus took aim at a deer and Elijah came up from behind to help him.

"Be still. Take a deep breath. Hold..." Elijah instructed. "NOW!" Klaus shot the arrow but was unable to hit the deer. Klaus looked downtrodden but Elijah smiled and patted his shoulder comfortingly. "Your aim is improving Niklaus, next time."

"You encourage him Elijah, but he grows more pathetic each day" Mikael had found them in the woods practicing and glared down at Nik after seeing him miss the deer.

"I'm not pathetic" He said bravely, he was hurt and embarrassed, but he wanted to be seen as brave by his father, but Mikael saw it as insolence.

"Don't you dare talk back to me!" Mikael sneered. "You're not man enough to hold this weapon and if you can't hunt, well then you're nothing but a burden."

"I'm sorry" Young Klaus murmured but this only infuriated his father more. Mikael picked him up by his shirt and glared directly into his eyes.

"It's a shame we can't feed on sad-eyed apologies. It's your one and only skill." He gave him a backhand across the face, causing Klaus to cry out in pain, bravely holding in his tears.

"Father stop!" Elijah tried to protect his brother but Mikael refused to hear his words. He dropped Klaus on the floor and turned his attention to Mikael.

"Stay back, or you'll be next" Mikael snapped. "The boy needs to be made strong." He kicked Klaus in the back and glared down at the young child who was groaning in pain.

"Believe me Niklaus, I did not forget" Elijah told him after the two relived the memory. "I understand your anger but I implore you—brother to brother—be better than he was. Do what he could not, show the grace of mercy, rather than petty cruelty."

"You really don't know me at all" Nik scoffed, still angry.

"Enough" Rebekah called out, returning to the two. "Whatever I have done wrong, my guilt is nothing compared to yours. You want revenge? Fine. But, before you have it, I will look you in the eye and tell you why it was your cruelty and your spite that led us to this."

A/N: And thus was the conclusion of the Enigmatic week! Nice place to end it seeing as we are about to begin the trial of Rebekah Mikaelson!!!! If you liked this, i might sporadically have some so leave a comment if you enjoyed Enigmatic week! (Also just clocked that Enigmatic week begins in Enigmatic Beginnings! cYUTE!)

Also leave a comment telling me whether you would like a song in every chapter or if you dont really mind because if you dont mind, then i'll stop putting them in every chapter and then the chapters will come out more often.

Please vote, follow me and spread the word about teh enigma series! Till next time (aka tomoroow, awks) Love you as always! x

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