Krazy and Kat

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A/N: The long awaited Fiorina Bonus chapter is here!!!

~ Bali, 1949~

I had been running from Klaus for almost 20 years now and was now hiding in Bali. I had been there for around 4 years now and had almost forgotten that I was being chased by Klaus, when I noticed someone had been following me around. A tall man with dark brown hair and brown eyes, looking just too inconspicuous. Klaus must had found out about my bracelet and was now sending people after me. I had kept my eyes on him for a couple of days now, to ensure that he was following me. And when I was certain that he was I began to formulate a game plan. Eventually he would have to come and talk to me and then I would take him out.

"Hello." Today was that day. "Is your name Fiore Mikaelson?"

"Well hello there handsome." I said with a sultry smile. "Why in fact I am! Sorry I'm at a disadvantage, what's yours?"

"I might have to withhold that information." He replied.

"Ooh, mysterious, I like it." I told him with a wink. "I'll tell you what, how about you meet me behind the bar in 10 minutes and we won't need names."

"10 minutes."

I waited 15 minutes to be safe and then went behind the bar where the man was waiting patiently for me.

"Did anyone follow you?" He asked.

"Of course not." I pushed him up against the wall and began to kiss him roughly before jamming my hand inside his chest and clutching his heart.

"Ugh." He said as he began to drool blood from his mouth.

"If you get blood on my new top I will kill you before you even have the chance to take your last breath." I growled before clutching tighter onto his heart as he groaned in pain. "Now how the hell did he find me?"

"He? I don't know what you're talking about." He stuttered and I rolled my eyes and wrenched his heart in my hands.

"You know who! Stop playing bloody games otherwise the next bloody game will be me ripping your head off." I snapped. "How did he find me? And where is he? Who else is helping you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." He told me. "I work for hire. I was sent by someone to find you."

"Who sent you?" I asked him.

"All I know is that she has the initials KP." He explained. "Long brown hair, deep brown eyes, 5"7."

"I see." Katerina Petrova. I let go of the man's and he fell to the ground, clutching his chest and gasping for breath. "What did she want to know?"

"To make sure that you were you. I met someone a couple years back pretending to be you." I turned and saw Katerina standing there with a large grin. "I gotta say though, I didn't think you'd be so violent with him."

"Well I wasn't going to let Klaus catch me that easily." I said looking warily at her. "What do you want Katerina?"

"We'll get to that. First I need you to take care of him." She said gesturing to the man on the floor.

"I don't answer to you."

"And I don't expect you to." She replied walking closer towards me. "But you're gonna want to hear what I have to say."

"Fine." I said as I picked the man up and began to compel him. "You'll leave here and you'll forget meeting either of us."

The man nodded before speeding away, leaving the two of us staring at each other, both unsure of each other.

Enigmatic Beginnings: A Klaus Mikaelson Love Story {3}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ