Chapter 22: As Planned

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A/N: Whee! I can upload now!!!
"Okay, Hayley, Bonnie are we both clear on the plan?" I asked them both as we stood in the living room of Bonnie's home. Hayley and I had arrived and met up with Bonnie who agreed to help with the spell. Friends in the right places, people.
"Yes, you drain me of my blood, I die, find the baby and my body." Hayley answered warily. She was clearly nervous that I was out to get her. I knew that I wanted to be, but I also knew that it would just get me into unnecessary trouble. Besides, the fact that she was doing this at all showed me that she really did care about this family. And that was something that I could respect.
"Hayley I promise this is completely safe, I promise." I reassured her. "Try not to talk to anyone, we can't have another Alaric. And Bonnie, you channel me the whole time which will allow her to get back to the body."
She injected Hayley with the syringe and we counted down as the blood drained from her until she died. Once the jar was filled, Bonnie took my hand and channelled me through Hayley's death, anchoring me between the two worlds. Silas said it should take about a half hour for her to find the baby and then get back to her body but after five minutes, Hayley gasped and was brought back to life. Something had to have gone wrong.
"Hayley? You're back already?" I said checking in her. "The baby? Are you alright?"
"Yep, exactly as planned. Now let's get home." She jumped up and ran into the car looking relieved but as I went to collect her blood, Bonnie stopped me.
"Fiore, Hayley shouldn't have made it out that quickly." Bonnie told me as she clutched my arm tightly. "You need to watch her and make sure that it's really her and not someone else, alright?"
"Okay" I nodded. "Thank you, for helping us." I said whilst hugging her gratefully.
"You're welcome." She replied, hugging me back.
"Send my love to Caroline and co." I called out as I went back to the car. We drove all the way back to the docks at an alarming rate and I desperately prayed that it wouldn't be too late for us. When we arrived, I wasted no time and I Immediately poured the blood on the boundary circle. As it started to dissipate, I sighed in relief as we were able to put this to an end finally.
"Everything is fine? The child?" Elijah asked, checking Hayley worriedly as he waited for me to fully release Rebekah.
"I'm fine, Elijah" She told him with the brightest smile I had ever seen.  I continued to pour the blood until Elijah was finally able to pass through and retrieve Rebekah allowing us to all leave.
~Klaus POV~
Klaus could feel Papa Tunde over powering him and he knew the witch was going to be able to finish him off if Elijah and Fiore didn't sever his connection soon enough. Suddenly, Papa Tunde stumbled, giving Klaus the opening he needed to temporarily gain the upper hand. Tunde saw this and fled and whilst he could have followed him, Klaus was more concerned about the status of Marcel.
"Is he dead?" Cami asked him as she came out of hiding.
"Didn't Fiore tell you to leave?" Klaus sneered at her.
"Is Marcel dead? Did that guy kill him?" Cami asked again, slightly more panicked.
"No, he needs blood to heal." Klaus thought of telling Cami to feed him but he knew Fiore wouldn't approve. "Get someone from the street, would you?"
"What?" Cami said in disgust. "No, I'll do it"
"Not you, Fiore will have me skinned if I got you involved in this" He said in frustration.
"I suppose you only like it when she's taking off your clothes. Your shirt's on inside out by the way" Cami shot back, complete seething in anger. "Besides, you don't control me anymore." She walked up to Marcel and put her neck to his mouth allowing him to feed from her, soothing him all the while. Klaus decided to let her, not being particularly concerned about her life, but he was concerned about her quite particular annoyance in regards to his and Fiore's relationship. If he didn't know any better, he would've called that tinge in her voice jealousy.
~Marcel POV~
Marcel walked into the voodoo shop where Rebekah had asked him to meet her. She looked just as beautiful as she always did. But he knew he was here for stricter reasons than he would've liked.
"So, I'm told you saw Papa Tunde as well today" She said to him.
"Yeah brought back a lot of memories. Memories that are best left buried."
"What are you doing? Celebrating Fiore and Klaus's defeat of the mad Papa Tunde?" Rebekah asked him as he sat drinking alone in the compound.
"Drowning sorrows" He mumbled. "I'm the one that brought Tunde to town."
"You did what?" Rebekah asked him in shock.
"I made some inquiries while I was abroad. I wanted the most dangerous witch anyone could find—all for you. I figured if someone as bad as Tunde comes in, maybe Klaus gets chased off. Very least, he's occupied enough that he can't stop me from trying to get you back. I even worked the Fiore angle" He muttered. "I thought if I found her family, she'd lay off him too."
"You mean to tell me that you would tear down everything my family built, everything you helped us build, risk your own life, on the off chance that I would show you the slightest bit of affection?" Rebekah asked with a slight smile.
"I would. I did and I'd do it again" He answered with conviction, making Rebekah smile even more.
"Klaus has killed a thousand Tundes. All his life, there's only ever been one man he has truly feared My father Mikael. The vampire who hunts vampires" Rebekah said leaning into him. "Fiore might not even be scared of him but I know Nik. And Nik would want to run, so badly that not even she would be able stop him. Klaus would flee and never turn back. All we need is a witch who can help us find him." She turned back and smiled at a red-haired witch who smiled back at her.
A/N: Okay, what is up with Hayley, if that even is her. On a real tho for someone who's just literally died and come back to life, she seems a bit too peppy...
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