Chapter 60: Course Changing Decisions

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Cami and I stood at Kieran's bedside as he woke up and panicked, unsure as to what was happening. Cami and I were the same, not to mention, worried about the hex.

"Cami, what happened? The hex... I could feel it, like a living thing inside of me." He said as he regained his composure in the familiar setting.

"Is it still there?" I asked checking his hand for it.

"It's gone." He said gasping. Cami was overwhelmed with joy and hugged him as the tears started to flow from her face. The priest noticed his other hand was bandaged after his sudden and violent removal of his thumb and was lost.

"Yes, you've had quite the day Father Kieran. On the bright side, the hex wasn't as deep rooted as I thought it was, the downside is that it was removed by your death." I told him.

"Back up. I died? For how long?" He asked horrified.

"A few hours" Cami said sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't lose you. I made Klaus give you his blood."

"Yes but the thing is Kieran, if you don't feed soon, then you'll die."

"I know how it works." He said sadly. "I know if that's the choice that I have to make, I'm dead already. Please leave me with my niece. I'd like a private moment to talk with her."

"Thank you so much Rey" Cami said hugging me tightly. "And thank Klaus too, he was kind today."

"You're welcome." I said squeezing her arm. "And Kieran, say hi to the big guy in the sky for me."

~Klaus POV~

"I'm surprised to see you here." Genevieve said to Klaus as he walked into the Lycee. "You haven't called in a while."

"The Bayou explosion. Tell me what you know" Klaus said ignoring her.

"All I know is that the wolves have many enemies, Marcel included." She said shrugging.

"Marcel wouldn't stoop so low" He said quickly, trying to be over with the conversation. "However I have witnessed the depth of you witches' cruelty first-hand."

"You can't possibly think I did this?" Genevieve said repulsed. "What kind of monster do you take me for? How ugly I must seem next to the beautiful, enigmatic glow of your beloved Blossom. Sad about her friend, poor priest."

"Kieran is in transition. Free of his hex." Klaus told her smirking.

"A hex of that magnitude, impossible"

"Yes I am aware of that possibility" Klaus told her. "But he's woken up, hex free, Fiore told me herself."

"I suppose hexes are not of her time." Genevieve said smugly. "Kieran's hex will return. If it hasn't already. And that boundary spell won't be so confining now he's dead"

~Fiore POV~

I sat on a park bench unsure about what I should do. I held the envelope in my hand that decided a decision for me that I wasn't prepared for. I didn't know whether I should wait to open it or whether I should open immediately.

"So are you going to open it then?" Silas asked me.

"I don't know. I'm nervous" I replied.

"About what?" He asked in confusion.

"This changes the course of things forever. I'm scared I guess. I don't know whether to rip it open and get it over with or to wait"

I didn't get to make the decision as I realised Klaus was calling me for the fifth time in a row.

"What is it?" I asked worriedly.

"Fiore tell me you are at the church right now." He said in a panic.

"What? No. Why? What's wrong?" I asked worried now too.

"Genevieve said the hex will come back, I'm on my way there now, come meet me there" I hung up the phone and dashed to the car, clutching the envelope tightly in my hands.

~Klaus POV~

Klaus entered the church just in time to see Cami thrown on the floor by Kieran who was chasing her sound with a knife. He rushed up to him and broke a block of wood from one of the chairs and staked him with it. Killing him once and for all.

"You deserved far better than this." Klaus said looking down at his dead body.

"Rey?... Rey?" Cami mumbled on the ground before drifting into an unconscious state.

"Oh my gosh" Fiore said as she entered the church. "Is Cami okay?"

"Yeah" Klaus said looking at Cami who was now unresponsive. "She kept calling for Marcel." Klaus knew he shouldn't have lied but he couldn't stand the idea of telling her the truth.

"Then we know what we have to do." Fiore said as she picked up Cami's body. "His exile is suspended for the next 24 hours; he can return to the Quarter to help with Kieran's burial. If he can grant her comfort, then so be it."

A/N: Aww why did they have to kill Kieran? He was such a babe! R.I.P. Uncle Kieran! Speaking of dead people, hello Silas, back again! What was in Fiore's envelope??? Also, I know in the series, Silas was the worst but I friggin love Silas here! Such a cute dad!

Leave a comment telling me what you think is in Fiore's envelope! Also, vote, follow and spread the word otherwise evil Silas will haunt you!

That's me for the week, I've enjoyed using this time to procastinate instead of study for my exams next week, because ew exams! Hope you enjoyed, until next time! Love you as always! X

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