Chapter 44: A Useless Hormonal Pregnant Lady

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Whilst Rebekah called a fictional Marcel, warning him to leave, I looked back into the books for something to help me with Kieran's hex. The books were completely unhelpful, everything on the hexes where just their history, who created them, famous people with hexes but nothing on how to reverse them. I couldn't find any remedy to alleviate its effects and any person that had managed to overcome one. I was starting to feel like a useless hormonal pregnant woman when Elijah decided he had another memory to share.


"She has always hated me Elijah. She brought Mikael here to kill me, you know it's true" Klaus told his brother who was still in possession of both weapons still in play.

"You have not the slightest idea, do you?" Elijah said shaking his head. "You have no idea what she was prepared to do for you. When our sister sees something that she perceives to be an injustice, she can be stubborn, impetuous, and, at times, downright dangerous. And never was this more apparent than the night she tried to kill our father."

It was late at night, Mikael lay sleeping, unprotected, as did the rest of their family, but Rebekah was prepared that night. She had waited for them all to fall asleep, defenceless and crept out of her bed, grabbing a knife as she did. She wandered over to where her cruel father was sleeping, wielding the knife, ready to end him in his sleep. She raised the knife above his body, moments away from sending her father straight to hell, only to be stopped by Elijah, who grabbed the knife from her hands and dragged her back to bed.

"I wish I could go back and complete the task myself." Elijah said wistfully.

"Why tell me this now?" Klaus asked, seemingly having a slight shift of intentions.

"Niklaus, sometimes our sister acts without thinking. She's short of temper, she's quick to fall in love, but she loves you. However, your malicious treatment has broken her heart. So, yes, she responded by summoning our father. Yes, that was a mistake. But I'm not entirely sure that I can blame her." Elijah explained, but the words he had chosen were not enough.

"I can." Klaus sped to the tomb where Rebekah was lying in wait but Elijah caught up to him, defensively holding the two weapons in his hand. "Are you really going to stand against me? And not with that pathetic blade. You'd just have to pull it out someday, and then I'd hate you as I do her. If you want to protect Rebekah, you'll need to use the white oak stake."

"I refuse to listen to your nonsense" Elijah said confidently

"Oh, don't pretend you haven't thought about it." Klaus said looking at him with disdain. "You look at me, and you see everything you abhor in yourself. Sure, you dress it up with your fancy suits and your handkerchiefs. You, with your mask of civility and eloquence, you're every bit the abomination I am. Maybe even worse. Go on, Elijah. Go on. Use the stake."

Klaus was playing Elijah, using words to manipulate him into doing his bidding. Elijah threw the white oak stake far away from the both of them and Klaus smirked. He knew what he was doing and Elijah was no match for him.

"I won't kill you, Niklaus. I'm not a coward. But if it is more suffering I must inflict to protect Rebekah then I shall." Elijah said, thinking he had the upper hand.

"I knew you couldn't do it" Klaus said his smirk widening. "You still cling to the hope that I can be redeemed, and if the bastard can be saved, then maybe there's hope for you" Klaus dashed over to Elijah, grabbing Tunde's blade and stabbing him with it. I watched Elijah thrash about in agony as the dagger found its way to his heart.

"Sorry Nik, but I decide who lives and dies now." Rebekah said as she appeared behind him, with the white oak stake in hand. "And I'm taking that dagger out."

"You have to kill me first" Klaus said standing in front of Elijah's body. "Finish what you started a century ago."

"I did not want you dead Nik, I wanted you to run" Rebekah told him, but he refused to listen.

"LIAR" He shrieked.

"You drove me to betray you, and now you want to twist it and make it worse so you can justify killing me instead of accepting your own fault? All I did was love your friend! You could've been happy for us, but instead, in your paranoia, you feared losing us both. And, because of that, you did. There is no one else to blame, Nik. Only you." Rebekah said looking dismayed at him.

"The same Marcel that left you trapped in here with me?" he said smirking at her. "And I thought he loved you. Just admit it. Elijah lies suffering and I will allow you to help him, if you admit that you wanted me dead."

"You're insane" She sneered.

"Yes! Yes! am a vicious, heartless monster, and so you summoned Mikael to kill me! Admit it!"

"It's not true"

"You know what you did."

"I didn't"

"You wanted me dead Rebekah! ADMIT IT!"

"MAYBE I DID!" She screamed. "Nik—" But she never finished her sentence as Nik, shocked and hurt that she actually admitted it, dived for her and stabbed her with the white oak stake.

A/N: My actual heart exploded when this happened. Rebekah is my fave and he staked her! Flipping hell!

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Hope you enjoyed this! Love you as always! X

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