Chapter 10: Useless

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~Cami POV~

Cami watched over her friend as she slept restlessly. She sighed and sat down on the living room sofa, realising how creepy she was being. She had found her just stumbling around the quarter in tears, ignoring everyone that was trying to help but still not going to any definitive place.

"Fiore what are you doing?" Cami said as she rushed over to her friend late that night. "I came to look for you when you didn't come home, thank god I did, why are you crying?"

"Oh Camille, sorry for worrying you" Fiore said as Cami wiped the tears from her friend's face. "You are so beautiful Camille, so hauntingly human. Unlike that stupid Klaus."


"I guess you've been compelled again. It's okay you can talk about Klaus with me, or whatever your compulsion was, I undo it." Cami reeled momentarily as the memory she had lost returned to her.

"Oh right, Klaus your husband. Your jerk husband. Sorry, I shouldn't say that about— "

"No" Fiore said shaking her head. "I'm tired of people making excuses for me, for him. No more. Call him a jerk or whatever because I need to hear it. I need to see him for what he truly is."

"It's okay to love him. To attract bad people" Cami said sympathetically. She may not have wanted Fiore to love Klaus but she knew that she did.

"It's hard and I hate it. But I don't. Even though I know I should, but he's such a different person when he's with me. He comes across as evil and hateful but he isn't, he's just scared. He's been through so much that it's hard to let anyone think that he's weak or vulnerable. When we're together he's open. He's vulnerable but that doesn't make him weak, it makes him human. Well, as human as a vampire can be. And I tolerate it because I understand the fear, I know what it's like to be scared of everyone and everything that can hurt you. I'm stupid I know" Fiore said shaking her head in shame.

"No you're not" Cami reassured her. "You're similar but not the same. You know as a Psych major, I've always thought there were two types of abandoned people. Group A: Those that have been damaged so much that they hurt others. Like Klaus; and Group B: Those that attract those people. Like you, like me."

"Oh but we aren't the same Cami. You are something I can never be."

"What's that?"

"Human" Fiore said smiling sadly at her.

"Didn't you say you still were?" She asked her knowingly.

"I'm 1/5 human but that definitely takes a backseat to being 1/5 raging beast, 1/5 nature worshipper and all of that is still second place 2/5 unnatural abomination." Fiore said shrugging her shoulders. "Whatever part of me is human will always be buried deep deep deep down in my being."

"I don't believe that" Cami responded. "I think the fact that you want to be, makes you human enough."

"Thank you Camille." She chuckled. "You've been a great help to me today." Fiore gave Cami a quick peck on the cheek and walked on.

Cami thought back to that moment when Fiore had kissed her on the cheek. For a second, it had made her heart flutter. It was momentarily, but it happened. Cami had started to think about it more but she was suddenly brought back to earth jarringly by a sudden earthquake.

"Fi, there's an earthquake we—" She rushed into her friend's room to find her vomiting up dirt. "Oh my god, Fiore are you okay?"

"Call Klaus" Fiore said weakly in between upchucking the dirt.

"No it's okay I can help. You don't need Klaus I— "

"CALL HIM NOW" Fiore shouted trying to regain what strength she had left. Cami nodded reluctantly and picked up her phone to call him. She didn't want to call Klaus, she wanted to help Fiore on her own, not with Klaus. This was all probably his fault anyway.

"Klaus, Fiore is— "

"Vomiting up dirt?" Klaus finished for her. "Yes, I'm well aware, I'm already on my way." He hung up the phone and Cami went back to her.

"Is there anything I can do?" Cami asked her friend but she shook her head.

"No, just stay safe. Do whatever earthquake safety or whoever says" Fiore answered her feebly.

"But I can help you"

"Actually, you can't" Klaus barged into the apartment and headed straight for Fiore's room. "You're human."

"That doesn't mean I'm useless" Cami said gritting her teeth.

"That's exactly what it means." Klaus picked up Fiore in his arms and looked down at her worriedly. He pushed the hair out of her face and placed his hand on her forehead, checking her temperature. "Thanks for the help Camille but it's time for those that are actually helpful to intervene." He zoomed out of the room with Fiore in his arms and left Cami alone in her apartment, feeling exactly like he said she was—useless.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please vote, comment and follow! Love you as always! X

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