Chapter 25: Working Overtime

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"Fiore are you pregnant?" Rebekah said as she held up four positive pregnancy tests in front of me.

"Yes." I answered meekly.

"I'm so happy for you" She said as she ran up and hugged me. "How long have you known for?"

"I found out just before I, well before I died" I mumbled.

"Wow, my brother has really been working overtime" Rebekah said as she looked at my stomach. "But why now?"

"Dahlia, the witch that hid the memories of my father from me, she put a spell on me. Until I found my father, no children for me. I did find my father and I suppose renewing birth control spells wasn't exactly high up on my to-do list" I muttered. "But either way I'm pregnant now and have a child in me, cloaked with a spell"

"What did Klaus say?" She said looking at me in shock. I looked to the side and refused to answer but that was all the confirmation she needed. "He doesn't know, does he?"

"I didn't know how to bring it up, I was still so angry at him and I didn't know what I was going to do about the baby" I told her.

"You have to tell him Fiore!" Rebekah said looking at me appalled. "He has a right to know"

"He doesn't have any right to any child that resides in me"

"So what are you going to do?"

"I'm not having the child"

"Fiore don't do that" Rebekah said warily.

"So what should I do instead?" I snapped. "Raise it in a family like this one? The child wants to see its grandparents? Well your mum killed her dad and her mother killed herself afterwards. Father's side your dad killed both your grandparents because they kept coming back and trying to kill him and his siblings. What a great example to set, it'll just kill us both and think it's a rite of passage. Because that's what we do Rebekah, we don't give life, we take it. What happens if one day Nik goes on a temper tantrum and decides to kill half a village? What happens when Nik and I are on the outs again, hmm? This is your new mummy temporarily because I'm angry at your real one? Imagine doing a custody battle between the two of us. We're not a family Rebekah, we're a mess"

"Please Fiore, don't do this, I'm begging"

"What if they want siblings? Sorry, but your mother killed the half sibling you were supposed to have. What am I supposed to tell Nik? Sorry you lost your child because of me, but here's another one to replace him?"

"Fiore— "

"I'm doing it and you can't change my mind" I said shaking my head. "And you can't tell Nik either"

"Fiore, wait!"

~Cami POV~

Cami had overhead part of the conversation Fiore was having with Rebekah. She was pregnant— with Klaus's baby of all people. She ran out of the house, not knowing where she was going. She kept running until she came across a dead body and stopped in horror. She looked beside him and found a trail of them leading all the way to Rousseau's. She followed it and inside she saw the entirety of the restaurant filled with dead bodies, lying there lifeless and covered in blood.

"Oh Camille, wasn't expecting to see you so soon"

"Of course you did all this" Cami sneered as Klaus stepped up from behind the bar.

"Guilty" he shrugged. His mouth was completely red and his clothes were all drenched in blood. "Had a bad day. Care for a drink?" Klaus poured a glass for them both and Cami glared back.

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