Chapter 57: Capable Hands

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~Cami POV~

Cami was cleaning tables in Rousseau's excited that there was finally hope for her uncle. That she wasn't going to be alone anymore. She saw Fiore enter and smiled even more, hoping that she was there to say she had forgiven her.

"Fiore, you're here" Cami said smiling brightly at her friend.

"Cami I made a terrible mistake" Fiore said looking down at the ground in shame. "You went to Genevieve. She was moved by your plea. Not that I believe there is any hope left for your uncle, but she would've tried. She might have been able to cure him, been his saving grace. But I insulted her. And as a means of revenge, she is refusing to help him. Kieran will die because of me, and it will be a horrible death."

"Why tell me this?" Cami asked her sadly.

"Because I believe secrets are a poison. They need to be spat out. Like your secret about your time with Marcel." She said looking at her in surprise.

"Are you mad?" She asked Fiore.

"Why would I be?" She said shrugging. "I'm not Klaus, what do I care who either of you sleep with? You do whatever you want with whomever you want. I prevented Kieran from getting Genevieve's help, you slept with my number one enemy, I say we're even"

"So you're not even a little bit angry?" She asked again.

"No. Look I have to get going, but you and Marcel can continue whatever it is you're doing." Fiore said as she headed for the door. "Just don't get too attached, the way Marcel is going—I'm not sure he'll be amongst the land of the living for much longer."

Cami sighed as she slumped down on a barstool. She couldn't even pinpoint a reason as to why she was crying. She was going to lose her Uncle, there was no one to help her or to comfort her. But to add to her pain, she couldn't understand the feelings that she had for Fiore because as much as she didn't want to admit it, she had wished that she was angry. Nothing was making sense to her anymore and she hated it. She hated everything.

~Fiore POV~

I sat on my bed, completely drained by the night's events. I had put Kieran's life in danger because I was jealous of Genevieve and I had now taken Nik's life into my hands. Whatever evil he committed now also fell on my shoulders. At least I had finally freed Elijah from his unending quest for Klaus's redemption.

"I've done something very bad" Klaus said as he entered the room.

"Already?" I said sighing as I turned to face him.

"I've been so stubborn and desperate to win that game that I neglected to realise that the only way I truly win is if you win."

"Care to elaborate?" I asked him sceptically.

"My goal is and always will be you. We both want the same thing Blossom, each other. Today, when you called me a problem, I knew that if I didn't act soon, I would lose you forever, and if I didn't have you, then nothing in this world would mean anything to me. I wanted to hurt you because I was hurt myself and I didn't know who else to blame and I thought if I blamed you, it would hurt me less. I was selfish. I'm sorry and—"

"No." I said shaking my head and cutting him off. "We can't keep doing this Nik. Going in and out, on and off."

"I know, I'm sorry. I am so sorry." He told me earnestly, but I still wasn't sure about how ready I was to take him back.

"I need time to think about this." I told him hesitantly and he nodded with a light chuckle.

"I thought as much." He said before outstretching his hand to me. "Would you at least let me show you something?"

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