Chapter 66: Don't Hold Back

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Klaus, Elijah, Hayley, Francesca and I watched Genevieve carefully as she said the spell to make the moonlight rings.

"Is she saying the right spell, Blossom?" Klaus asked warily.

"Yes, that's the one. No trick this time." I answered, although I was still unsure of her.

"Why don't you just do the spell?" Francesca asked me.

"Babies and magic tend not to be the best fit." I said quickly. "Besides, have you tried doing anything at all whilst 8 months pregnant? No fun at all."

She nodded with a slight smirk in her face and looked down at her phone. "My people say Marcel is on the move. With friends."

"Elijah, get Fiore and Hayley to safety" Klaus said before kissing me on the forehead and leaving.

"Don't die you plonker!" I called out to him.

"Come on you two." Elijah said as Hayley followed him but I stayed.

"And then who will watch over our witch friend? I'm staying" I said looking distrustfully at Genevieve.

"You should help Klaus. My brothers and their security detail won't be much against a vampire army. I'll stay with Fiore" Francesca said.

"No way, not one more person I don't trust." I said shaking my head. "Andrea stays with me."

"Fiore no—"

"It's fine Elijah, go" She told him. "And don't hold back." Elijah reluctantly agreed and left to help Klaus.

~Klaus POV~

Klaus skulked down the streets of the Quarter angrily, looking for Marcel. He kept walking and searching around until Marcel jumped down from behind him. Marcel started to pummel Klaus, punch after punch after punch.

"Not bad. But not nearly good enough" Klaus said wiping the blood from his mouth as he punched Marcel and threw him into a parked car. "How pathetic you've become. Explosives, Marcellus? Really? I should have known it was you who detonated those bombs in the Bayou."

"The docks! That was me. I got the detonators from Francesca. Why don't you ask her about the Bayou bombing?" Marcel said as he got off the car.

"Lies and distractions" Klaus said, rolling his eyes. "What if Fiore was with Elijah and I at the docks? What if she had been with us when that bomb went off?"

"I knew you two would never let her out powerless. I never went after Fiore, because I am not a monster Klaus" Marcel said as the two glared at each other. "I'm not you."

"Did you say powerless?" Klaus asked him. "How would you know that?"

"So it is true." He said laughing. "Just heard a few rumours here and there nothing much, but I'd be worried about what happens to her after the baby is born."

~Fiore POV~

Hayley and I stood with Francesca and watched Genevieve do the spell whilst Elijah fought off the vampires in the courtyard. Suddenly, in a hurried state, one of Francesca's security guards came in to take her away.

"Ms. Correra, we need to go. Your brothers are already headed out the back" The guard said.

"Not yet" She said dismissively when Hayley's phone buzzed.

"Who is it?" I asked her under my breath.

"Cami, it's fine. I'll call her back later." She said declining the call, only for my phone to go off this time. Something was very wrong.

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