Chapter 37: The Next Act

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I stood there watching as Rebekah's memory faded away again and Genevieve comforted Nik. I was helpless. He was going to kill Rebekah; I could see it in his eyes. He was ready to spill her blood and although he would regret it later on, it would be too late.

"I'm sorry, I know how much it hurts" She said stroking his hair and caressing his cheek. "I know it hurts to see what she did and who she really is, but you had to know. You had to see it so you can have your revenge. Our revenge." She outstretched her hand and offered it to him. "Feed, you'll need your strength for what comes next." He fed off her slowly and then grabbed the blade. He jumped off the bed and spoke in a quiet growl.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"Oh come on Nik, the chase is the best part" She said as she walked over to him and kissed him.

"What was that for?"

"Luck" She said with a wink. He aimed the blade for her heart and she looked momentarily afraid. He was going to do it to her, for any reason, Rebekah, me, himself, but instead he left her and sped out of the room, leaving her unharmed. "Come now Fiore" She said with a chipper tone. "Now that Nik is done flirting with me, you need to see the next act of the show. The one where he kills Rebekah."

I ran out of the room, following the sound of his deafening yells. He was calling out her name, over and over again until he stopped. He had found her. I ran as fast as I could over to her but it didn't matter what I did, I was invisible to them.

"Nik" Rebekah said after coming face to face with him in a hallway. "Nik, it isn't true, none of it, I swear!"

"I want to believe you" He said walking slowly towards her, whilst she slowly backed away from him. "But your face tells a different story from the words coming out of your mouth."

"Nik I—" Rebekah never finished her sentence as she zoomed off, far away from him.

"YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM ME REBEKAH. NOR CAN YOU RUN" He yelled. "This ends now." He started walking, he didn't even run, use his vampire speed or anything of the sort—he just walked. He eventually walked into an abandoned room where Rebekah stood there, lying in wait.

"Niklaus" She said curtly.

"Rebekah. Tired of running?" He asked her.

"I know how much you enjoy the chase." She sneered. "I'd sooner deny you the pleasure."

"Well then, I suppose I'll find my pleasures in other ways." He said stepping towards her. "No more 'daggered in a box' for you. Trust me, sister, you'll long for what the dagger offered. This will be far less merciful. How can I describe exactly what this blade does?"

"You don't have to do this Nik" Rebekah pleaded, but he continued on.

"After I plunge this into your heart, you will be immobilized, imprisoned in a state of raw, inescapable anguish. Time loses all meaning. It's not unlike a living hell, which I find rather fitting, given your treachery."

"Then do it!" She said giving up. "If that is what you truly desire then do it."

"So we're just going to skip the part where you beg for mercy?" He asked cruelly. "For forgiveness? I was actually really looking forward to that."

"No thanks. I know better than to think it'll do me any good." She shot back.

"Yes, I suppose Fiore always was the merciful one, but even she's not here to save you and she knows what you've done too." He said smirking. "So that's it then? You concede? Like a lamb to the slaughter. What would your father say?"

Rebekah lunged for Klaus but he easily overpowered her, he was a hybrid and on top of that, she was weakened by the werewolf bites. He threw her off and she fell to the floor, grabbing a wooden plank to protect herself. She used it to hit him repeatedly but Klaus was stronger still and he threw her to the wayside once again. He was going to dagger her but out of nowhere, Marcel stepped in to try and save her.

"Marcellus" Klaus said with an evil grin. "Just the man I wanted to see." Klaus punched him in the face and Marcel stumbled backwards. It was a losing battle.

"Rebekah's punishment wouldn't be complete without watching you die." He said looking at him stumble. "It's quite sad though, Fiore would have loved to be the one to kill you."

Klaus and Marcel got into another altercation and I knew if I didn't do something quickly, Klaus would dagger and eventually kill them both. I knew he had a white oak stake in his possession, so it would be easily accomplished. I started thinking about what I needed to do. The baby had my magic, and I needed to take it back. I hadn't practiced magic in a long time, and if I didn't think of a spell soon I wouldn't be able to save either of them. I started to rub my stomach and wish and pray that the right spell would eventually come to me. All of a sudden, I felt my magic return to me. The baby had returned it on its own, to help me. I smiled as I started to undo the spell Genevieve had placed on me, when I realised Marcel could see me. He was pleading with me to save Rebekah; the baby had already done the spell from inside the womb.

"Nik it was my idea to summon Mikael" Rebekah shouted, turning her brother's attention away from Marcel. "If you're going to kill anyone it should be me."

I could do something. Anything. But I had to pick a side. I could only hope it would be the right one.

A/N: Sorry for not uploading but I really wanted to make you sweat. And I still will! Fiore's got her powers back so what she gon' do? We know she doesn't want Rebekah to die, but we also know that she loves Klaus. Very glad that I'm not her...

Leave a comment telling me who's side you think she's gonna take! Also vote, follow me and spread the word about the Enigma series! Love you as always! X

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