Chapter 54: Leverage

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After the party, I had realise just how broken down the compound had become and seeing as my child was going to be living here, there was no bloody way I was going to let it grow up in this disgrace. Which meant my favourite part of the Sims was about to be realised. House renovating, Elijah and I were watching over the men who were renovating the Courtyard for us when Klaus stormed angrily out of his current room with Genevieve. Just perfect.

"Enough with all this bloody racket!" Klaus shrieked.

"Problem love?" I asked glaring at him and his tart.

"Gentlemen, a moment please" Elijah said gesturing for the men to give us a break.

"I agreed to a general sprucing up, not a bloody three-ring circus." Klaus said angrily.

"I don't remember giving you a say in the matter" I snapped. "If the noise is bothering you and your lady friend then you can have one of your wretched trysts elsewhere."

"Marcel and his minions abused our home for the better part of a century." Elijah said diffusing the situation. "Now, you might be content to live in squalor. We are not."

"I agree with your brother. It's a new era in the French Quarter. This place could use a makeover." Genevieve said as she walked down the steps followed by Klaus.

"Didn't ask for your input either." I said sizing her up. "In fact, if you continue to speak when I don't ask, I might have to act out one of the many ways I have fantasised about torturing you."

"Fiore, do not stress yourself." Elijah said pulling me away from her and standing in between us. "Allow me to handle her, just this once, in the best interest of the child."

"I assure you I mean to cause you no trouble." She said holding her hands up in resignation.

"Careful." Klaus said. "When this one agrees with you, it's a sure sign she wants something."

"Actually I do have a request. I'm told our coven hasn't been able to celebrate feast days in the open since Marcel restricted the use of magic. Now with the new peace, I'd like that to change." She said looking directly at Elijah.

"Do you have a certain feast in mind?" He asked her.

"La Fête des Bénêdictions. Feast of the Blessings. In the past, members of the community offered witches gifts in exchange for blessings. We'd like to use it as a forum for introducing our young Harvest girls to society." She said standing firmly.

"So your coven attempted to destroy my family—and you yourself held my siblings in unspeakable torment and continue to torment Fiore as we speak—yet you would like a party for the witches?" Elijah asked in disbelief.

"It's alright Elijah" I said speaking up again. "It would be good for Davina, besides, can't have little Genevieve thinking she threatens me."

"I made my amends with Nik" She said looking at me. "Even Fiore isn't opposed. Think it over." She said as she left.

"Oh, don't be such a stiff, Elijah. The tourists love a good festival. Besides, what better way to cement the solidarity than a show of faith toward a one-time enemy?" Klaus said casually.

"A onetime enemy that you've grown rather nauseatingly intimate with." I said clenching my fists.

"Well who said maintaining alliances can't be fun?" Nik replied with a cruel grin.

"Fiore, please give my brother and I a moment alone." Elijah said gesturing for me to leave him. I walked into a small alcove where I could listen in on their conversation. I wasn't one for secrets.

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