Chapter 49: Mine

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~Cami POV~

Cami walked into the Mikaelson compound looking to see if Fiore was around. She and Fiore had become much closer over the past month ever since she and Klaus had called off their wedding. The two were researching ways to help her uncle with his hex, but it had become drastically worse since then. She was just taking care of him and talking together when he attacked her. She looked around for Fiore and finally accepted that she wasn't home but when she saw a light in Klaus's art room she decided to see if he knew where she was. Klaus was a skeez and maybe her friend had finally gotten rid of him, but they lived in the same compound, there wasn't much to be done.

"I saw the light from the courtyard and took a chance that..." She stopped when she noticed Genevieve standing in her underwear. She let out a small growl and glared at the two of them. "You weren't with a half-naked psycho-witch. Seems I gambled and lost."

"Ten minutes ago, I was fully naked." Genevieve said with a wide smirk.

"Oh! Then you served your purpose. Don't let me hold you up." Cami said sarcastically.

"You O'Connells sure do love to piss off witches." Genevieve said as she left the room.

"Really? The woman tried to blackmail me into stabbing your pregnant ex-wife with the mystical knife of excruciating pain!" Cami said angrily to Klaus. "She also tortured her, just in case you forgot"

"Before or after my wife put that same blade into me?" He said continuing with his painting. "New Orleans breeds nothing if not strange bedfellows."

"How could you do that to her?" She said getting angrier. "She is pregnant with your child for crying out loud! Fine, she's your ex-wife but— "

Klaus put down his paintbrush and interrupted her. "Ex-wife?"

"You aren't married anymore, so she's your ex-wife. Should I break it down any further?" She said sarcastically.

"She isn't my ex-wife, she's my wife. End of." He snapped.

"That's why you were sleeping with Genevieve, because you're still together and you love her?" Cami shot back. "You're not together anymore, she's your ex-wife."

"You would like that, wouldn't you?" Klaus said with a wry laugh. "That works out perfectly for you, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, my friend isn't married to a disgusting sociopath anymore" she sneered but it only made Klaus laugh even harder.

"It seems like I'm not the only one who needs to confess." Klaus said smirking at her, making her go red and become uncomfortable.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" she said, but she was still averting his gaze, desperately forcing herself to mean what she was saying.

"Sure you don't" He said as he went back to continue his painting. He knew she wouldn't relent and she wasn't going to do anything suspicious. "So what exactly are you doing here, Camille?"

"I'm looking for Fiore" she said regaining her composure. "I thought you might know where she is."

"Of course you're here for her." he said rolling his eyes exasperatedly. "Sorry but she's off saving the city along with Elijah."

"Klaus! You had better be getting ready for the party!" Cami heard Fiore yell as she walked in.

"Hey, you're back" Cami said smiling at her but was met with a cold glare instead of a returned smile.

"Cami, you know if you're sleeping with Klaus, I have to kill you" She said angrily. "And believe me when I say killing is the nicer alternative because you've already been through a lot."

"What? Ew! No!" Cami said scrunching up her face in disgust.

"Oh please, don't pretend like you wouldn't enjoy it." Klaus said with a smirk before turning it into a grim smile. "But Camille over here seems to have her eye on a different Mikaelson"

"Elijah?" Fiore said looking at her in surprise. "You're a bit behind, love. He and Hayley have a very good will they-wont they thing."

"Oh well" Cami said shrugging her shoulders and praying that Klaus wouldn't say anything else.

"Is that all then?" Fiore asked her. "And Klaus get dressed, I haven't been running around like a mad man for you not to show up to this party. And if you so much as attempt to ruin it, I will put you in a box and chuck you into the Atlantic."

"Party? What party?" Cami asked, somewhat hurt that she wasn't invited.

"It's a party for the factions, and no you can't come. Someone always dies at these things and I'd much rather it be Klaus and not you, plus you need to spend as much time as you can with Kieran." Fiore told her sadly, causing her to remember why she had come in the first place.

"That's why I'm here actually." Cami started. "He's deteriorating. The pills, the meditation, they're not working. His lucidity's shrinking by the day. He— "

"Cami, your uncle is going to die. The hex is— "

"No" Cami said cutting off the enigma. "A witch did this right? A witch can undo it. Klaus is super-tight with Genevieve, maybe you could persuade her to help." She asked him.

"I could be persuaded to help." Klaus started with a smirk. "If Fiore begs me to."

"Over my dead body" She said glaring at him.

"It's gonna be over my uncle's dead body if you don't do anything!" Cami shrieked.

"It won't do any good. And Klaus knows that, he just wants the satisfaction." Fiore said to her. "These hexes, they start with magic, but as they take root, they alter the chemistry of the brain. I'm sorry, Cami. The damage is done."

"But Genevieve could try at least" Cami said pleading with Fiore. "Just do what he says, for me!"

"I'm sorry Cami, but there is no helping your uncle." Fiore said shaking her head.

"I refuse to accept that, and you would, too, if you had any concept of family." Cami said angrily. "Look at you, just a worn out couple, damaged and ruined by each other. I mean—" Klaus sped over to her and grabbed her in a chokehold.

"That's not a very nice thing to say Camille." Klaus said glaring at her before turning his attention to Fiore. "Should you do the honours or should I?" Cami looked pleadingly at her friend who kicked in Klaus's back and set her free.

"Thank you Fiore, I— "

"Please go Cami" Fiore said looking at her sadly. "And don't come back, for a while at least." Cami stood up and looked at Klaus who stood behind Fiore, smirking, before starting to mouth words to her.

"She'll always be mine."

A/N: CAM ON THE SASS CAM! See how she came for Klaus, oh dayum! But Klaus dragged her to filth and then Fiore came in and sassed Klaus and then Cami sassed them both again and ugh I just love the circle of sass! Aww but poor Cami right, she's tryna help her uncle, Klaus is being a dick  about it and she's just unfortunately caught in the middle. Poor gal.

Leave a comment telling me what you think/want to happen between Cami and Fiore! Or anything else you want to comment about, I always reply! Also, vote and follow me as well as spread the word about the Enigma or you'll get sassed!

Hope you enjoyed, love you as always! X

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