Enigmatic Reunions

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A/N: So I am yet to finish the Katherine and Fiore bonus chapter so instead I am releasing a little snippet from Enigmatic Reunions!!! I hope you enjoy it!

~Rebekah POV~ 

Rebekah sat in her home with a swaddled Grace in her arms. She rocked back and forth in her wooden chair and smiled as the little girl cooed.

"Once upon a time, there was a majestic king who lived with his noble brother and his beautiful Queen in a kingdom where music and art were celebrated. The king and queen did not foresee having a child, but they lived in an enchanted land where all things were possible. In time, they were blessed with a beautiful baby daughter, for whom they wished only peace." Grace giggled and Rebekah pressed on. "Still, the king and queen had demons who pursued them. There was a ruthless beast who wanted to take the kingdom for her own. Armed with a pack of untamed creatures, she drove the other magical creatures from the land. And, there was a wicked sorceress with enchanted stones that weakened the king every full moon. Seeing the shadow their enemies cast upon their home, the king and queen were driven to send their beloved princess away, convincing all who remained that she was forever lost. The king and queen, in their sorrow, turned away from the world. The castle closed its doors, and the kingdom fell. Some say that the only light that shines in the castle illuminates the shadow of the once majestic king and queen in the room meant for their child. But, as the ruthless beasts took rule over the fallen king and queen's realm, little did they know that the queen, the king and his brother would not rest until their enemies were vanquished. For they believed that one day, they would heal their kingdom and bring their precious princess home so that she might have a fairy-tale ending." Rebekah lay a sleepy Grace into her crib and placed her brother's wooden knight beside her before turning out the lights and going to bed herself.

~Klaus POV~

Klaus was in his room listening to Mozart as recommended by Hayley to help calm him down. The music however was proving to be useless and he tried to use painting as a means to alleviate his anger. He stretched a canvas onto a wooden frame but when the canvas refused to fit, he began to try and force it on furiously until the canvas tore, leaving a gaping hole inside, infuriating him even more. He picked it up and threw it across the room in his fit of rage.

"AGGGGGHHHHHHH!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, completely and utterly overwhelmed by his frustration.

"So this is your 'white period'" Elijah said as he caught the canvas and examined it.

"Yes well I'm missing a very necessary and crucial colour. The blood of my enemies." He said angrily.

"What about a Venetian red with a dash of rust?" Elijah said chuckling.

"I've had it with your bloody suggestions!" Klaus shot back angrily. "It's been months! I've adhered to our plan: sit and do nothing, sell our grief. And now, my child is safely away, and another full moon is upon us—another night of pathetic weakness as the moonlight rings steal my strength!"


"No Elijah" Klaus said quietly, shaking his head. "The silence is killing me. I need to act. I-I-I need—I need to spill blood."

"Then I suppose you'll be pleased to hear that I've located the last of the rings" Elijah told him smugly.

"Then it's time" Klaus said finally feeling the slightest amount of happiness.

"Finally" Hayley said entering the room. "I'm getting really worried about Rey"

"She seems fine to me" Klaus said sheepishly.

"She looks worse than you do, Klaus." Hayley said rolling her eyes. "Now, if you both would treat each other as more than just... passing acquaintances and as a husband and wife who just lost their baby then maybe—"

"Fiore and I are fine" Klaus snapped. "If you're so concerned about her then ask her yourself!"

"Sadly, just like her baby daddy, she prefers to deal with her pain on her own."

A/N: Okay, I hope that you guys enjoyed that! Enigmatic Reunions will be dropping on either June 27th or July 4th, depending on what I decide to do with Fiore and Katherine bonus chapter!

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A/N: Okay, I hope that you guys enjoyed that! Enigmatic Reunions will be dropping on either June 27th or July 4th, depending on what I decide to do with Fiore and Katherine bonus chapter!

I went with a black and white cover because Enigmatic Reunions is taking a dark turn as Fiore tries to cope with the loss of her daughter as well as reunions with people that she never thought she would see again!

Okay guys and dolls, until next time! Love you as always! X

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