Don't Say Baby Shower

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A/N: This takes place halfway through Chapter 65,  the day after Elijah and Hayley's v important conversation. Enjoy!

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I immediately dropped the phone whilst Klaus, Elijah and Hayley rushed into the room.

"Blossom, are you alright? What's wrong? I heard screams!" Nik said as he immediately dashed to my side. "Is it the babies? Are you alright?"


"Wait, the screams came from the phone?" Hayley said as she looked back at me in disbelief. "Who the hell is that?"

"Caroline." I answered, making Klaus roll his eyes and pick the phone up from the floor.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you?" He screeched down the phone.

"Me?" She replied. "You've been pregnant with twins for months and I'm only just finding out now? There is so much to do!"

I took the phone back from him and shooed the rest of them out of the room, now that the so-called panic had subsided.

"Don't worry, Nik and I have already got most of it set out." I explained.

"So wait, you mean I also didn't get an invite to your baby shower?" She asked, completely offended by the mere notion of not being invited. "Do I even mean anything to you?"

"Don't be silly." I told her with a chuckle. "I'm not having a baby shower."

"Are you kidding me?" She asked. "No way, of course you're having a baby shower! What will your daughters say when they grow up and ask their godmother for baby shower pictures and I have to say, sorry I slacked off and you didn't get to have one? Man, how am I gonna plan all this in a week?"

"A week?" I repeated, my eyes widening in disbelief. "Caroline wait—"

"I know, don't worry though, it's doable." She replied. "What do you think for colour schemes? I mean we could do pink because they're girls but I don't think we should be so stereotypical, you know? What if they're non-conformists? So how about we go with purple and silver? That seems cute to me. And what are you thinking for entertainment? We could do karaoke, that'd be cute! And loads of party games and stuff! Although seeing as it's in New Orleans do you want like a Halloween vibe to it, cuz you know New Orleans is like supernatural hub or whatever? Oh my gosh there is so much to do! You know what, I'll see you tomorrow and we can discuss it then."


"Love you loads!"

She cut the phone and I flopped onto the bed, trying to fathom how I could even be slightly prepared for the craziest week of my life.


"Helllooooooo? Where is everyone?" I groaned and pulled the pillow over my head.

"She cannot be here already." I grumbled.

"It's not that early Blossom." Nik said with a chuckle as he sat on the bed reading.

"It's before 3 in the afternoon, it is too early." I whined.

"Guyssss! Everyone in this house has supernatural abilities! You can all hear me!" She continued.

"Why did I move back in?" I heard Hayley grumble from her room.

"It is 7AM, it is not that early!" Nik muttered with a laugh.

"Don't make me come up there and find you all!" Caroline yelled. "Because you know I will!"

"Nik, go answer the bloody thing!" I said, hitting him with my pillow.

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