Chapter 32: Plan B

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I rushed over to the plantation where Rebekah was supposed to be watching Hayley. I got out of my car only to be met by people carrying in kegs and food. Party supplies. Rebekah may have a thousand years on her but she was just as much of a teenager as Hayley was.

"So was anyone going to invite me this shindig?" I asked a guilty looking Rebekah and Hayley who stood in the kitchen where they failed at trying to hide their party from me.

"It was all Hayley's idea she wanted to meet her werewolf pack since it's a full moon and I tried to stop it but it was too late!" Rebekah said quickly as she immediately threw Hayley under the bus to save herself.

"Hey! You were getting into it just a second ago!" Hayley shot back. The two started bickering because Hayley was mad that she had been thrown to the wayside whilst Rebekah really didn't want to get into trouble.

"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU BEFORE I MAKE YOU!" I yelled and they immediately quietened. "I don't care about a bloody ranger or whatever you're calling them now."

"Keggers" Hayley interjected. "And you meant rager."

"Whatever! Have fun, get wasted, don't get knocked up because then you'll end up like me desperate for a drink and unable to have one! I haven't had a drink since the night I arrived." I said wistfully looking at the barrels of alcohol that were continuing to be brought in. "Just don't leave here, the witches are pissed and plan to take it out on us. Especially you wolfie, you're human now. I'll put a protection spell on the house, and if you leave and get taken I will find you and kill you myself."

I walked out of the kitchen and straight into a shirtless man. "Sup?" He asked eyeing me predatorily.

"Ugh" I flicked my fingers together, making him fly into the wall. I chuckled but the minute I got into my car, my mood immediately dimmed. Something bad was happening, I could feel it.


~Elijah POV~

Elijah and Sabine were still walking around the French Quarter as per Elijah's request to have a tour of the city. When Elijah hadn't spoken up in a while, Sabine turned back to face him.

"Am I boring you?" She asked with a smile. "I thought my proposition to get you to turn against Fiore would have you more alert."

"As surprising as you might find this, it's not every day that someone asks you to betray your own sister... Celeste" Elijah answered, finally revealing he knew of her identity.

"I'm impressed" She said smiling. "How did you know?"

"As Davina was drawing your likeness, I dared to imagine that your presence was near. And when Fiore discovered that there was no magic in your remains, I wondered–could you have possibly cheated death by using your power to place your essence into the body of another? And if so, then who? And then, I recalled the lovely Sabine. Your visions of my brother's child precipitated the death of the last Elder within your coven, ensuring that the Harvest ritual could not be completed–unless you were to control it. You have been playing a very long game, indeed. But to what end?" Elijah asked unamused. She stepped forward and kissed him. He temporarily lost his balance but regained it after she started to speak again.

"Oh, Elijah, my lost love... After all this time, don't you understand? I died because of Fiore. And even after all her vindictive lies about witches led to my death, you stood by her." Celeste said with a glare.

"As you can see, Fiore and I are not on good terms, so congratulations, you have your way." Elijah said laying out his hands. "Consider the bond between the two of us severed."

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