1: Language

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This is my first story and it sucks so cut me some slack thanksss

Chapter one

Honey we're leaving in five!" My mother called from the living room of our tiny apartment. This is it. We're finally leaving this dump we've called home for the past three years. Now that all the furniture is gone I have actually taken notice to how small all the rooms were, how could we ever manage? I grabbed my box of cds ranging from genres from pop to country. I wasn't extremely picky when it came to music, if it speaks to me I like it. I walked out of my shoe box of a room and into the living room where my mom patiently waited with her last suitcase.

"You really like him don't you?" I asked her setting down my box and walking over to her glancing at the empty apartment. She pulled me into a side hug and sighed.

"Well i wouldn't be moving in with him if I didn't, or even getting married to him for that matter." She told me as she kissed my forehead. "We better get going before it's too late."

I grabbed my box again, then walked over to the door. I took one last glance at the empty apartment and smiled to myself before walking out the skinny doorway to the car.


"You're going to love your new room!" My mom cheered as she rounded the corner into a fancy neighborhood. I simply nodded only halfheartedly listening to her, I was more focusing on the neighborhood as we passed mansions and huge fancy pools. She rounded another corner then slowed to a driveway of a huge white house. Well, huge was an understatement. It was three stories and I could see a pool sticking out from the backyard.

"Woah." I breathed out as she pulled into the driveway and parked behind a little silver car that I recognized as Andrew's, the man my mom's getting married to, I've met him a few other times than this but that was at 2 am when he was eating cereal in our kitchen.

"I know it's beautiful isn't it?" She said as she unbuckled and stared at the elegant house. She smiled and turned to me before patting my shoulder. "Let's go kiddo."

I walked up the gravel pathway that led to the front door with my box of cds in hand I lazily rang the doorbell, the door opening only about thirty seconds after me doing so revealing a nerdy looking Andrew. He was dressed in a sweater and jeans with his glasses sat alone his nose.

"Ambrosia! Welcome! Come in, come in." He gestured inside. I squeezed past him into the house revealing a neat homey vibe. Not what I expected from a single man living alone.

"It's Amber." I mumbled as I awkwardly stood next to the door waiting for my mother to come in wheeling her suitcase behind her. Awkward small talk was shared until she finally came in.

"Hey sweetie!" She whaled and ran over to Andrew giving him a quick peck and a quick hug before returning to me. "You should go put that in your new room."

"I don't know where it is." I said warily as I adjusted the box on my knee.

"It has all you're stuff in it, shouldn't be hard to miss." Andrew told me, I flashed him a smile before heading up the grand staircase. I walked down the hallway gently pushing the doors open until I found the room with my furniture.

I walked in it was way bigger than my other room. And it had a view of ocean shoreline. The walls were painted a light pink amd the sheets and furniture were white. Wow, not to bad.. I thought to myself as I walked in and set my box down on top of the white dresser that was pushed against the wall. I began to walk to the door to grab another box when I was stopped by something huge and firm.

"What the heck?" I questioned when I looked up to see a boy with blonde hair styled into a quiff and blue eyes staring down at me. "Who are you?"

"I should be asking you the same thing." I boy huffed pushing me off him. He glared hard at me for awhile before breaking the silence. "Well.. who are you and more importantly why are you in my effing house?"

"First of all, language. And second of all this is my house?" I said giving him the same cold hard glare he was giving me.

"I've lived her since I was two, I'm pretty sure it's my house. How old are you, 14?" The boy said narrowing his eyes his blue ones burning into my hazel.

"W-" I started to speak but I was cut off by voices I immediately recognized as my mother's and andrew.

"Surprise!" They both said in unsion, waving their hands in the air, in the most cheesy way possbile. I stared at them with a blank expression on my face hinting for them to go on.

"You have a stepbrother." My mom said motioning to Luke.

"And you have a stepsister." Andrew said pointing to me. I stared at them with wide eyes, and from the looks of it Luke's eyes were just as wide as mine.

"No freaking way.." I breathed out.

"No effing way." Luke breathed out making sure to drag out his cuss word.

"Language." I mumbled before pushing past my mom and Andrew to get more boxes.

"Why don't you go help her with the boxes luke." Was the last thing I heard as I exited the house.

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