18: Your Friend Michael Called, Its Urgent.

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Chapter 18
"Your friend Michael called, its urgent"
I'm obsessed with Death Of A Bachelor... its a problem.)

It was 1 am and I was laying besides Luke in his small twin bed. His arms were wrapped securely around my waist as soft snores left his pink lips.

When we had returned home he had tossed me one of his t-shirts to change into, since my clothes were dripping wet.

I hadnt had 1 minute of sleep since we crammed both of our bodies into his bed, i was too busy pinching my arm over and over again in fear i was dreaming.

I turned my body around slowly so i could face him. He looked so peaceful as if all his worries have been forgotten.

I carefully placed my hand on his cheek as i took in his features, tracing my hand over his jawline that wasnt too sharp but just right. He was gorgeous.

He blinked his eyes open and looked at me with tired eyes as i felt a blush come over my cheeks.

"Im sorry, i didnt mean to wake you." i whispered as i took my hand off his face and awkwardly placed it by my side.

Luke didnt answer me. He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead before pulling me closer to him with ease, before closing his eyes once more.

His head was rested atop of mine and my face was pressed against his chest that smelled faintly of his cologne. I never wanted this moment to end but sadly it did.

There was a slam of a door that made my eyes shoot wide open and my breathing pick up.

"Luke." i whisper-screamed as i shook him. He blinked at me with confused eyes then quickly understood as stomping feet made their way down the hallway towards Luke's room.

"Hide." he whispered back as he pushed me out of his bed with force. I hit the floor with a thud, then quickly rolled under the bed just in time as the door swung open.

"Luke? Why are you awake?" a voice asked, which i immediately recognized as andrews. I squeezed my eyes shut as i tried to make as little noise as possible.

"Well-" luke started slowly only to be cut off by andrews frazzled voice.

"Nevermind that, your friend michael called and he said its urgent." Andrew told Luke causing Luke to spring out of his bed and over to his dresser.

"Okay, i may miss breakfast." Luke told Andrew as my heart dropped, of course he was leaving.

"Tell her I said hello." Andrew told Luke as they both made their way to the door. I waited until the door shut to climb out from under the bed.

The room was dark and lonely. I listened to the slam of the front door, and the start of the car engine with a frown.

"He has a girlfriend." i whispered to myself as i made my way to the door.
I slowly made my way back to my bedroom and climbed into my cold bed where i fell asleep alone, dreaming of nothing but darkness.


"Ambrosia.. wake up." A voice soothed as the shook me awake. A part of me hoped it was Luke, but as I opened my eyes I didn't see blue eyes staring back at me, it was my mothers.

"Are you awake?" She asked as she shook me once more with more force then the last.

"Jesus mom, my eyes wouldn't be open if I was asleep." I grumbled as i shooed her off of me and sat up straight.

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