43: Beach Reunions :)

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Chapter Forty-Three

"Beach Reunions"

College was the main priority in my life right now - not relationships, not family, not anything other than school work and grades.

I transferred schools once again. I didn't have any friends but I had good grades, and that's all that really matters when it comes to college applications.

Pandora says she's worried about me. She's constantly telling me how I've consumed myself in work in attempt to ignore my feelings, which, doesn't sound all that bad to me. I'd much rather succeed in life than hurt.

I've got a bit of a daily routine going on; go to school, do homework, sleep and repeat. I probably sound like an emotionless programmed robot but I was okay with that. I was okay with a distraction from reality.

So, me sitting on the beach, doing my homework at the ocean of Sydney wasn't all that unusual. It was perfectly normal.

I didn't need to worry about calling my mom and letting her know I'd be out late because I hadn't spoken more than one syllable words to my mom in days, and she seemed perfectly fine with that. One less problem to add to her already sky rocketing stack.

I was so indulged with my thoughts and work I hadn't even noticed the bright haired girl heading my way,

"Amber? Where the hell have you been?" Bailey called as she invited herself to plop down next to me. I lightly rolled my eyes, the last thing I need right now is another distraction from my work.

"I've been busy," I replied, not bothering to look up from my literature notes.

Bailey sighed quietly, "What's wrong with you? Is this about what Luke did because I swear on my life I will beat the shit out of him if you want me to,"

I slowly set down my papers and turned to face the blue haired girl with a slight frown.

"You don't need to beat him up. I've practically forgotten about all him," lies, all lies. "I've just been busy with college and stuff."

Bailey scanned my face skeptically before sighing and nodding lightly, finally giving in to my pathetic excuse. She knew I didn't want to talk about Luke or anything related to him so she wasn't going to push it out of me, which, I was grateful for.

"Well, you could have at least called and told me you were switching schools," Bailey told me, "I thought something horrible had happened to you."

"I'm doing fine. I just.. needed some time to myself to, you know, figure everything out," I told her with a frown as she nodded understanding where I was getting at.

"You know that I know, right?" Bailey whispered so quietly I almost didn't hear her. But, i did and my heart started pounding. What did she know? About Luke's new girlfriend? That I've been studying away my feelings? Or, even worse that Luke and I were step siblings to be..

"Kn-know what?" I asked her, steadying myself so we made direct eye contact.

"I know that you're hurting," She told me. Relief flooded through my body at her words, but i was filled with a new feeling -- guilt. She deserved to know what really happened between Luke and I. She needed to know our story. Not that there was really a 'our' anymore.. it was Luke's story and My story. 'Our' almost seemed too formal for our situation.

"And I know that Luke is too.." She continued, cutting off my rambling thoughts. Everybody seems to be saying that Luke's hurting, but i knew the truth -- that he was doing just fine with his new girl toy.

"Everybody seems to say that..." i whispered, staring at the waves that were crashing against the sea shore rocks.

"Well, that's because it's true.. he's not doing well at all." Bailey told me, a sadness laced throughout her words.

"That's what you think." I barked, "That's what you all think.. but he's doing perfectly fine,"

Bailey paused as she tried to gather what I was talking about before she spoke. "how would you know that, amb? You haven't spoken to him in weeks."

"That's not exactly true," I mumbled, tucking my knees up to my chest.

"You've spoken to him?"

"I called him." I told her, my voice coming out in cracks. "And the call went through... but it wasn't him who picked up. It was a girl."

Bailey's mouth fell open as she stared me up and down as if she was looking for an indication I was lying. But, her search came up empty because I was telling nothing but the heart breaking truth.

"...it couldn't have been," Bailey whispered, more to herself than to me. "This all has to just be a misunderstanding."

"My life isn't a movie," I suddenly snapped, startling myself. "There isn't going to be some happy ending. Sorry to break it to you Bailey but my life is full of disappointment and heart break, nothing more than that."

With my words tears left my eyes and I couldn't bring myself to get up and walk away. All I could do was cry into my tucked knees.

"I'm so s-stupid to believe he was different," I sobbed, feeling Bailey pull me into an embrace.

"It'll all be okay, amb." Bailey comforted, which only made me feel worse. I didn't deserve her, not when I've been keeping a huge secret from her.

"It won't be okay, bailey. Not this time." I pulled away from her, tears running down my cheeks. "I don't deserve you. I don't deserve you at all,"

"Don't say that, don't put yourself down like that." Bailey calmed, reaching out to me once more but I only backed away and shook my head.

"Bailey you shouldn't be this nice to me," I whispered.

"What do you mean? We're friends, amber." She told me with a concerned look.

"We shouldn't be, I'm a horrible person. You don't want to be friends with me.." i whispered, "I cant even tell you the truth.."

Bailey paused and furrowed her eyebrows at my words, "What do you mean you can't tell me the truth?"

No answer.

"Amber, what have you lied about?"

Still no answer.

"Amber i swear to god you better tell me what you lied about. It can't be that bad," She persuaded, putting an arm on my shoulder.

"I uhm.." i choked out, staring at my knees that were pressed against my chest.

"Tell me."

"It's about Luke and I," I began, taking in a shaky breath. "We didn't live in separate houses. . We actually lived together because our parents were kind of... planning to get married,"

Bailey stared at me with wide eyes, her mouth opening to speak but someone else beat her to it - turning both of our heads to behind us.

"Amber?" Luke's voice croaked out,


Whoa man uploading on time... me? WOWSUS.

anyways Luke is finally back and Bailey finally knows and things are finally getting good :-)))

I love you guys and hope you had a wonderful day ♡♡♡

- maddy xxxoo

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