Chapter 1:Intro

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Day 74. Somehow I have survived in this mansion for about two DAMN months. Jesus, I'm good. Ohhhhh yeaahhh. Those dum dum vampires thought they will break me. HA! *says like Edna from Simpsons* they were so wrong.

Those guys are not so bad as I thought but biting parts are not so enjoyable *whispers*but sometimes I like it.

Oh, right some of you don't understand what I'm talking about. My name is Kaya and I'm living in a mansion filled with, I can't believe I'm saying this, vampires. A REAL FUCKING VAMPIRES. And how I got in this situation? Well I'm so glad you asked.

I was brought here because... umm...well... umm I don't really know myself why I was sent here. But long story short, my brother(Rin) talked with this guy who know this other guy, who know this other guy, who knows this other guy, who knows this other guy who suggested me for summer go to another country. Vacation. And he said that there is a lake-house where I can stay and explore wonders of nature... That didn't happened. So this is my story's intro.

My plane finally landed. I got out, grabbed my bags and went to find taxi. I must say, this is my first vacation when I'm on my own. Outside of the airport I stopped for a second and took a deep breath "I can't believe I'm actually doing this. Self-high-five ". I found a taxi and because I really was afraid say incorrectly address I just simply gave piece of paper to driver " This the address where I need to go" He just nodded and we went of.

*One. Hour. Later*

Car stopped. "Holy mother of all what is good and pure. He said it's supposed to be a lake-house but it's a MANSION... Hmm I think I'm gonna like it." I took my luggage and started walking toward main door. "Why I have this bad felling ? " I said to myself while standing in front of door. "Well... Let the vacation begin !" And I opened them. I was shocked by the view that I saw. Sooooo fancy. "Oh my God look at that chandelier. Look at those big ass stairs. Look at that design. Look at that color of carpet. Look at that girl-" ... Stop- wait a minute. A girl ?!

Blonde girl spoke "Can I help you?"

"Umm... Maybe. This is- "

"Oi, Chichinashi. Where do you think you're goin- . Who are you ?" I heard man shout from my left and then he looked at me. I saw a blonde girl got scared.

"A-Ayato-kun "

"What's the meaning of this." Man who looked like a butler popped out next to me.

"Some kind of human came to our house. Tell us who are you ?" Red-hair guy who's name I guess is Ayato pierce me with his eyes.

"Who am I ? Who are you ?!" I said to him.

"I asked you first"

"I asked you second"

"Why you... DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM ! "



"Wait your mansion ? I suppose to live in this place dude"

"Okay you two stop it." A man who looked smart interrupted us "You said you came to live here. Hmm no one said a thing about it. We should talk somewhere else. Follow me"

I followed him to what it seems to be a living roo- holy mother of God. Look at that couch. Look at that fireplace. Look at at that those paintings. Look at tha-... I feel disturbance in the force.

"Ara~ What do we have here~ Fufufu~ another cute human girl"

"Nee~ Teddy, why this human here?"

Two more boys popped out from nowhere. They were giving me bad vibes.

"What the- ? Human ?"

"How noisy. Could you guys keep it quiet" I looked at the other couch at the end of the room and there was a blond guy with earphones.

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