Chapter 12: Summer

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A.N. Hey~ so I today one of those days when I randomly sing. And in this part there will be some episodes where Kaya is singing. So to make it easier to read, here is a list of songs that I used ( in order):

Gwen Stefani -What You Waiting For;

Ida Maria - I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked;

Numa Numa song XD

Lady GaGa - Alejandro

'Come on, come on'the clock was ticking slowly. 'You're not in The Matrix !'I know that my mental shouts on clock won't make time go faster.

Today was the last day of school year in Ryoutei Academy. Classes are shorter because they're at night. But we must attend school for one extra month. It means that we will only have dos meses of summer. It's not enough for me.

I supported my head with my hand and looked at the clock again 'Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock... ~like a cat in heat stuck in a moving car, a scary conversation, shut my eyes can't find~'

*school bell rings*

'Finally!' I sighted and laid back in chair. It was a lunch time. Some free time. From my backpack I grabbed a bottle of water and took a few sips.'Oh right'there also was a bento box filled with takoyakis. I placed box on my desk and on it I placed my head on left cheek. While my head was laying on the box, I looked at red-hair vampire who was also beaten up by the boring class.

"Hey, cookie" I whispered.

He didn't respond.

"Ayato" I whispered again.

"What?" he answered without raising his head.

So let's stop here for a second. Okay? In my defense I want to say that Uno: I'm weird chica. Dos: I'm really, really, really tired. Tres: Right now my brain doesn't work in the way it should be and Cuatro: This song's rhythm is catchy.

"~I like you so much better when you're naked, I like me so much better when you're naked~"

He slowly raised his head and, Oh Lord, the look on his face was the best. It's like he was saying 'WTF?' 'Are you serious?' 'What's going on with you?'. I started giggling.

"Tch. " He blushed and went back to sleep.


"...What now?" He didn't raised his head.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yeah" he said with interested voice.

"...Me too. Go make something"

He grunted and turned his head so I could only see the back of it.





I took my notebook and threw at him.


"Shut up and eat it." I putted bento box on his desk, laid back in a chair and placed my hand on my belly.

"What is this?"

"Takoyakis. Don't need to thank me, sweetie"

"And I'm not thanking you" He opened a box and took one takoyaki.

I was so tired. My legs felt so heavy as well as my eyelids. 'If someone would give me a pillow I would instantly fall asleep. '

"Kaya-chan are you feeling alright? You look exhausted " Yui stood next to me with concerned face.

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