Chapter 37: Crazy things

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Cold night wind blew on the rooftop messing my hair. From a distance I could hear trees rustle which was the only thing that was breaking the silence. I fixed my side bangs brushing it back with my fingers. It nicely fell back covering one side of my forehead.

I still didn't got the answer from Ayato. The boy's gaze was directed to night sky. It seemed that he was lost in his thoughts. I haven't asked him to explain me how car's engine works or anything.

'What was your reason?' Come to think of it, maybe it's not that easy to answer this question for him. My guesses are that this is another vampirish thing that I don't understand. Put that in my list.

'Why does everything that involves vampires must be dramatic.' I mentally sighted' That's why I like Blade. Perfect balance of tragic main character's story, action, beheading, turning to ashes, cutting one's limbs off and badassing...I should do Blade's trilogy's marathon again.'

The bell rang. As much as I didn't want to, I had to go back to class. Plus, it's cold outside which is not a chicken soup for my cold.

I stood up taking my backpack "Well, I don't know how about you but I'm going back inside." I putted bag strap on my shoulder "You should- Hey!" I turned around because someone's hand, and by someone's I mean Ayato's, was touching my butt. But it felt more like brushing-spanking.

"What the hell?!" I glared at him. Ayato just brought his both hands behind his head and gave me that I-didn't-do-anything-wrong face.

"Your skirt was dirty"

"One: Worst excuse for touching my ass ever. Two: Well if my skirt was muddy or dusty or whatever you could have JUST TOLD ME!"

"Instead of shouting you should be grateful to me for not letting you go with dirty skirt. Besides I can touch whatever I want" He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall.

"No you can't! Only I can touch myself!"

Ayato opened his eyes and looked at me. Then a smile appeared on his face and he started giggling. First I didn't understood what was so amusing but then I repeated in my head what have I said and I face palmed myself.

"Oh dear Lord. I didn't mean it that way!" I blushed.

"Hehe. You're truly are pervert" he teased me.

"Well you're no different. You thought about it too." I noticed that he started looking at me strangely "Wh-What now?"

His smile was replaced with a smirk. "Finally I got to see that face" he said standing up from the ground keeping his eyes on me. They were filled with satisfaction and amusement.

"That face?" I asked

"I was waiting to see your embarrass-face expression all this time"

"Embarrass face expression?" this time I asked on purpose to annoy him. I know I'm a bad person to do that but I understand that face-expression-satisfaction thing. Personally I like Oh-my-vampire-God face on those guys.

Ayato frowned his eyebrows "Stop asking stupid questions. You know what I mean. Tch. Now it's gone"

I think he meant a blush because my cheeks weren't warm anymore.

"Mhe. Whatcha gonna do ? See ya in a class" I said casually but before I could walk away I felt the back pain for a moment. The next thing I know, my hands were pinned down to the wall by certain someone.

"Seriously, because of these kind of thing I will have back problems in the future" I said under my breath as I raised my head up to face vampire. But I froze when he did one thing that I wasn't expecting. He leaned closer and closer, and closer to my face.

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