Chapter 6: Burritos :)

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"Mmm" Where am I ? Soft, silky, fluffy, warm. Okay I'm in my bed... It's too comfortable I'm not getting up. I feel a little dizzy. 'Okay let's think what happened...I got in the limo. Sang 'Uptown funk'. Went to school. Saluted Reiji. He got mad. Got to my class. I panicked and ran away. Then ran around like crazy. Found a piano. Played a piano. Met Shu. Shu bit me. Then I saw a light and passed out.'I jumped out of my sleeps. My heart was beating like crazy.

"OH MY GOD! I"M DEAD!" I shouted. This can't be. Am I really dead ? No. No it's just my imagination. But I saw a light then darkness... Oh my God. I am dead. But this- What- Ho-. Wait If I'm dead what am I doing in my room at Sakamaki's mansion. NO. FUCKING. WAY.

"I'm ghost? ... This. Is. AWESOME! " I yelled happily. 'It's pay back time, bitches. First I'm gonna get my cousin Toshi ,that little son of bitch. Then that 'Coffee in' guy who gave me coffee with caffeine even tho I ordered caffeine-free. I will show him what it means to not be able to fall asleep the night before your exams. *insert here crazy person's face* And then... '

"Are you done shouting?" My thoughts were cut of by Shu's voice. The Sleeping Beauty was laying in my bed next to me.

"Wait. Shu, you're also dead ? I mean like dead-dead. Well you were kinda dead before. But not dead-dead it was more like dead-alive-... Is it possible that vampires=zombies?"

The blonde man sighted in annoyance and sat up.

"Your not dead. I drank to much your blood on purpose. And I left enough to keep you alive."

I touched my neck where bite marks was. It's still huts but I can handle it.

"Shu, tell me something. In what universe drinking person's blood nearly to death is help ?!"

That Big-Blue-Sleeping-Bag smirked at me again. But this time not so creepy 'Hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot'He turned away, stood up and stated walking toward door.

"The excuse why you didn't came back to class is on your neck" I brought my hand up and touched two bite marks again. Shu left. For a minute I was thinking what he said to me. 'This might work'I got out of my bed. Went to my dresser and took out brown shirt, dark dark dark blue jeans and put on my sand-color flat shoes.

"Yosh!" I was about to leave my room but I stopped. I turned around, walked to my bed, got on my knees, put my hands like for a prayer and leaned with my elbows on bed.

"Hey God. What's uuup ? Umm... I know I don't to this a lot but I need you. Could you use your holy powers and make Reiji stupid for one day so I could lie to him ? I know I'm doing a sin. But you see in what kind of situation I got myself in. And to come to think of it vampires are your enemies. Sooooo I'm actually doing a good thing by asking you this favor. Oh and I will also take this as chance to thank your for making someone throw a new roller skaters in dumpster and letting me find them. Umm... Yeah I guess that's all. Okay see ya later. Amen Holy Hallelujah." I stood up and walked out of the room.

While walking down the hall I was thinking 'What should I tell that Four-Eye-Lightning-rod? (you see he's like 6'0 and I'm like 5'1. So yeah in this house I feel like a dwarf) If he won't ask then I will say nothing. But If he ask then I just have to go with it and just sprinkle lies like kids sprinkle their ice-cream. Eee.. what happens, that happens, I just have to wait and see"

I'm thirsty" That's normal when you lose big amount of blood. So I went to the main stairs and got down. Then I got one idea. I looked around to see if no one is around, ran up the stairs. I sat on railing and slide down.


I know I act sometime like a child but who doesn't. People deny that but we all know the truth. So I went to a kitchen. And surprise, surprise. Kitchen is fancy to like the rest of the rooms in this mansion. I searched for a glass for water or cup.

"Hmm.. Not here. Nope. Nope. And not here. Aaaand not her Okay where the fucK ARE ALL THE GLASSES!"

"Oh. You're still shouting?" Subaru entered with one hand in his pants pocket and withe the other one scratching the back of his head.

"Oh. You're still didn't go to anger management class"

"YOU WATCH YOUR MOUTH !" He yelled taking one step towards me.

"Sorry, sorry it slipped. Please don't punch me" I lifted my knee closer to chest and used my hands as a shield to protect my face.

"Tch. Whatever" the vampire turned around and was about to walk away.

"Wait, Subaru"

He just turned his head

"Where do you guys keep all of your glasses ?"

Subaru walked to the one of the cabins took out and gave a glass.

"Thank yo-" my stomach growled. Wonderful. "Hey do you want something eat. I will my something to eat" I said smiling.

"I don't need to eat"

"Burritos it is !"

"HEY ! I didn't say I'll eat"

I took Subaru's hand, sat him down and placed my hands on his shoulders from behind.

"You will eat it, you will like it, then you will say 'I want more' and I'll say 'Me too' then we go to Mexico for more burrrritos and then we gonna stay in Mexico. Live somewhere near the beach and every evening we will lay on a beach chairs watching a sunset while drinking mojitos"

"WHAT ? You're crazy. I'm not going in Mexico"

"Listen, I'm asking just to try it. If you gonna do it I will leave you alone and won't ask you anything anymore. What do you say? Deal ?" I asked with a calm voice tone with my hands still on his shoulders.

"J-Just make it quick. I don't have all day" He crossed his arms

"Yay ! Oh and by the way I'm not crazy I'm just mad genius" I smiled and went to the firdge.

*A Few. Moments. Later*

"There you go~ I couldn't find all ingredients so I improvised" I putted a plate with beef burrito in it. I sat down next to Subaru and took a bite.

"Mmmm... I know this thing will go right to my hips but damn it it's worth it." I took another bite "Come on try it. If you won't like it then I will eat it"

Subaru grunted and took a bite. For a moment I watched him. And I couldn't believe what I heard.

"It's delicious"

"Did I just hear what mine brain is telling my ears I just heard?" I got closer to him and smiled like idiot.

"Tch" He took another bite.

"Yay. Tomorrow I'll make some tacos

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