Chapter 59: A little bit of romance

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The water drops hit the floor making it the only sound filling the silence between Rin and No-Name stranger. His assistant, Eiko, was staring at the boy blankly, trying to read his face and emotions.

A cold drop of sweat ran from Rin's forehead and down his jawline. This was too much information. Especially when he can't understand a thing. How come he's not fully human? What's his family's history? What do these people want from him? And what about Kaya being in some sort of a process?

"What's the matter, no funny comments?" Eiko teased Rin.

"This shit is just messed up." Rin raised his eyes and looked directly to the two people standing on the other side of the door rail.

"Of course it is." The stranger spoke.

" What, seriously?" Rin stepped closer to them "You keep telling me all these riddles. It's nothing clear or specific. So, how about you cut this crap and tell me what is going on."

The man smirked in victory. He was pleased to finally see the frustration in captured boy's eyes.

"I thought this clown act of yours will never end"

"I just took a pause." Rin kept his eyes on the stranger.

"You know, you reminding me of this one person. Annoying. Filthy. Disgusting. Troublesome. Person."

As much as he didn't want to, Rin got more and more curious about this whole situation. Could it be that this man knows more about him than he thinks?

"Well, it's not surprising." The stranger smirked, "We are referring to your grandmother."

" grandmother?" Rin stuttered for a second. Basically, because the talk about their grandparents had only come up a few times in the past. And now, suddenly some more facts and puzzle pieces were thrown under the boy's feet.

"You are so clueless...she was the sting in our necks for a long time. Not to mention that half-breed was causing so much trouble."

"What did she do?" Rin asked.

The question caused the man to go deep into his memories for a moment. Judging from his facial expression those memories weren't the most pleasant ones.

"Let's just say, I would like to personally rip off all four limbs off that woman."

"So you are keeping me here because of what my grandmother did to you?" Rin leaned against the railling with his both elbows.

"That's only part of the reason." the man slowly walked up closer to the boy "The main reason why you are here is because of your luck. Finding half-breeds these days became harder since they figured out more ways how to hide their existence." His low husky voice was like a dagger that sliced through Rin's mind.

It was like Rin missed the part about 'half-breeds' which was the key to understanding this more clearly. There were already many things going on here, it was hard to keep up with it, especially when he was still tired and had that stinging headache.

"I do know for sure that you are related to that woman which makes you part vampire."

It didn't take long for him to come to a realization. All of his brothers and Kaya were part vampire too.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2017 ⏰

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