Chapter 30: The Race

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Me and Yui were standing outside, getting ready to slide down the mountain. She was adjusting her skis, me - snowboard.
Yui looked up to the sky "What a great day. It's been a while since I got to do some outside activities. I'm glad that weather is good for skiing. Thank you" She looked at me smiling.
I slightly turned my head to her. "Um I think you should be thanking God and Mother Nature for good weather. I had nothing to do with it. Or do I...?" 'There was this one time when I thought of myself as a witch. Weird things were happening to me... Most of the time'
Blonde girl giggled. "Not for that. I mean for talking Reiji into letting us go here."
I straighten up and placed my hands on hips. "No problemo. Beside I knew that they wanted to go. But they are just too...vampirish to admit that. In other words, I knew that they didn't knew that they wanted to go here." I paused "I think that doesn't make any sense" I said to myself. In reply Yui smiled.
"Okay. I'm ready to go." Yui said.
"Oh. Go ahead. Don't need to wait me"
Girl nodded and took off. 'Hmm. She really knows how to ski' I was kind of surprised.
I made sure that everything is secure with binding. That my foot won't get out of snowboard.
"Hey" familiar voice said. Turning my head I saw someone shoes next to me. I looked up and my eyes met with his green ones.
"Hey, Ayato. Oh. Thanks for your help with that guy earlier today. But I guess he should be the one thanking you because I was about to K.O. him "
He putted his hands in pockets "Whatever. It was an eyesore to see you being pathetic. As a food you shouldn't make so much trouble to me. When we get home I will have to punish you for that"
"Surprise, surprise" I sighted.
"Now. hurry up and fall"
"Idiot. I came her only because I wanted to see you falling on your ass"
'If only you know...' "Yeah, about that. I said you guys might see me falling"
For a moment vampire looked at me frowning his eyebrows.
"So you lied that you can't snowboard ?"
That made me smile "Mmm...Maybe" Ayato tch me "Well if you wanna make dog do something you must give him a treat. I bet you guys wouldn't have come if I hadn't told you that I will make fool out of myself on snowboard" I shrugged a little.
Boy took one step closer to me "You damn-"
"Bye~" and I slide down before he could do anything.
I did knew how to snowboard. My level wasn't an expert but I did knew how to keep my balance.
On my way down I admired view. On both sides there were rows of trees, blue sky and everything was covered with snow. I felt wonderful. But my eyes caught something and I stopped. I looked to the left to see sleeping blond vampire under fir. It seems he haven't noticed me. 'Oh this is too perfect' I grabbed handful of snow and made snowball. My target was Shu's leg. I swung my arm...
"Don't you dare" Now he was standing in front of me. I won't lie, he scared me and that made me lose my balance and fall on my back.
I laid there looking at the sky "Right. You guys can sense my smell" I sat up. Vampire had a mall smile on his face. But it faded away.
He scratched his head "You're so troublesome" Shu offered his hand. I took it and he helped me to stand up.
"Thanks. But why were you laying there?"
"Sight... Why is everyone bothering me with this question. Yui, the other five people and now you. I sleep where I want to"
"You do know there's a couches in coffee house." I said tighten up my ponytail
Vampire looked at me and started walking towards the main camp. I was about to go too but I felt snowball hitting my shoulder. 'That bitchy bean bag'. I looked at him playfully pouting.
"You should take off your earrings."
I touched my lobes 'That's right. My ears wouldn't freeze that much if I would be without them' I took off my gloves and removed them. "Can you take them? I don't wanna accidentally lose them."
Shu walked to me and I placed them in his hand.
"I counted them. It's six. Don't you even think of exchanging them to earbuds. I know where you live" last part I whispered.
He rolled his eyes and walked away.

I reached the end of track and met up with Yui. On our way back we were chit chatting. I had never had a female friend. It almost felt like she's my sister that I never had. When we got to top I putted my foot in binders.
"You're going again"Yui asked.
"Hell yeah. What ? You're not ?"
"I will go later. Right now I want drink something warm"
"Okay. See ya "
Girl waved to me and left.
When I was ready to go. Someone slide next to me. 'Déjà Vu ?' 
"You wanna race ?" Ayato was standing next to me but this time he was with snowboard.
"You can snowboard?"
"Of course I can. I'm the best at all sports"
"I think that is because you're a vampire and everything comes natural to you...Right? In movies vampires always good at something. And it's not fair" I folded my arms
"You're not in movie. But it's true that we are awesome. Especially this one" He pointed at himself.
"Where ? I can't see him. Is he behind me? " I pretended searching for that vampire. For that I received a punch to my shoulder.
"Au. Not nice"I rubbed that spot "So what about race?"
"Right. Why don't we make this interesting. Whoever gets to the bottom first can ask loser to do him one favor. And loser can't deny it and he must do everything that winner asks."
'My brain says to not agree but my competitive side says: we shall dance on his pride's grave' I started massaging my temple "Agh What the hell is wrong with you?"
Ayato got angry "What did you say to me?"
"No I was talking to myself because for some reason I really wanna do this"
Vampire grinned "Heh. You better prepare yourself for loosing. I know what I'm gonna ask you to do"
"I will be thinking about that when I'll be waiting for you at the end of the track" I gave him toothless grin. "Okay, on three. One.." And I took off without saying. But I wasn't the only one who cheated.
At first we were going on the same speed but then Ayato took the lead.
Boy turned his head to me and shouted "You're loosing, Yagami!"
"Your fly is open, Sakamaki !"
Ayato looked down at his pants. I took this opportunity to outrun him.
As I passed him by I mocked him "Ha, I made you look !"
"You that Wayne Gretzky ?!" he shouted pointing to his right.
"Ha! Stupid!" He said taking the lead again.
When I snapped out of my dream of seeing Gretzky I realized that I was about to crash to person on skis. I quickly made turn to avoid him. But then I saw Ayato stopping. And I didn't noticed that until I was about to crash at him. I reacted quickly and started stopping but from inertia I still bumped into his back almost making both of us fall down.
"Wow! Why so sudden?"
Boy smirked." Look" He showed me a path which was going away from the main one. And there was a sign that said it's not allowed to go there.
"I know what you're thinking" I said
He turned his head to face me."And?"
I smirked "I like how your brain works at this moment" I got away from him and we went down that path.
Path wasn't smooth. At some places uneven and trees made things more difficult. It got steeper so I bent my knees more to keep balance. Finally we stopped when we reached the end of forest. I stepped out of snowboard and took few steps toward.
"Wow" It's all I could say. In distance there was a series of mountains covered with snow. I turned to vampire. "Even you have to admit that the view is like from a postcard."
He walked to me "Do you like this kind of stuff?"
I nodded still smiling. I looked back at the mountains "I like places like this. Untouched by human."
There was a silence between us.
"D-Do you guys come here every summer? I mean in this mansion"
"This is my second time"
I sat down on the ground "Is there other countries where you have family mansions?"
"I'm not telling you." He sat next to me
"Your not denying. You guys have more mansions. Where? Tell me" I grabbed his shoulders and shook him a little bit.
"Like hell. If you know something like that then you gonna drag us again. And I hate packing things."
"Oh hush I will pack them for you just tell me where it is" I let go off his shoulders.

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