Chapter 48: The Opera

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"Holy Moses" that was my reaction after getting out of the limo. With all it greatness stood the Opera House. Five springline windows, basically instead of the front wall, through which you could see the inside of the building. At the entrance's door were standing ticket checkers letting people in. Most of the guest were in their fifties. Me and Reiji probably are the youngest here. But he is over hundred years old vampire. So I'm the youngest, I guess...? But the main thought in my head wasn't on that topic at the moment. My eyes still wondered around the curves and edges of the building. The yellow light coming out of it was welcoming everyone inside and it had a great contrast with the darkness outside.

"Reiji, this is..." I couldn't find words to describe mine fascination "...just maravilloso" The vampire was standing next to me taking out the ticket out of his inner coat pocket.

"No surprising. It's your first time being here after all"

"Then why are we still standing here? Let's go in, I wanna see the inside" just as my legs started moving, Reiji's hand caught mine and pulled to him stopping me from walking.

"Rules" the vampire stated. I just rolled my eyes. But I did expected that. Let's be honest, with my natural behavior he wouldn't want to show in public with me by his side. So of course there's gonna be restrictions for me tonight and if they will be broken, I'll be sleeping in the dungeons.

Reiji let go of my arm, fixed the glasses and folded his arms. I looked at him a little bit annoyed. After a small pause I sighed "Lay on me"

"You will do as I say with no questions asked. No pranks, no running around like a wild animal, no drinking, no cursing, no singing, no shouting and even better, no talking. Only when I'll say you can do it. And it would be even better if your mouth wouldn't move all this time"

"So in other words just breath?"

"I would appreciate if you wouldn't do that too"

"Honey, believe me, you don't want that" I brushed a hair from the bottom of my dress "We both know that my soul would haunt your immortal ass"

"Don't be stupid" he said looking down at his pocket watch "Before killing you, I would sew your lip shut"

"Touché, my tall friend" I lifted my eyes at Reiji giving a surprised smirk. For a mare moment he looked at me before turning his gaze back at his pocket watch. The vampire didn't showed that but I could feel he enjoyed this small victory against me.

"Enough of this chat. We should be heading inside now"

"You're right, we have been standing here for about five minutes talking about what will happen after my death"

As we walked to the checker, Reiji gave to him ticket but then he looked at me questionable and back to Reiji.

"Is this lady with you, sir"

"Yes" Reiji answered not looking away from man's face.

"But this ticket for one person"

"This lady is Sakamaki's household member. Are we having a trouble here" Reiji stated.

'Hearing him calling me a lady sounds so wrong somehow'

"Sa-Sakamaki? No. Everything is fine sir. Please enjoy your evening" the ticket checker got sweat on his forehead. Apparently Sakamaki name does mean something in these places. Or maybe that was one of those intimidating vampire's look power. Well, whatever Reiji did, it worked. No questions asked here.

A huge ornate crystal chandelier threw light on a red carpeted lobby and a luxuries double staircase. We went to a cloakroom for Reiji to leave his coat and for me my blazer. The lady working there politely smiled taking our stuff and hanging them on the same hook.

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