Chapter 28: Hello Switzerland

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I opened my eyes. Felling a little dizziness I sat up. Scratching my head I got flashback from what happened. I traced my fingers down my neck to chest catching bite marks that Ayato left. I sighted. 'At least they could bite somewhere where I could hide it with my cloths' I touched the other side of my neck 'What the ?' The bite marks that a got from Shu yesterday was way more smaller than before 'It healed that fast. Well, I got no problem with that'. I stretched my arms and yawned. I turned my head and saw red-hair vampire laying next to me. ' You are a horrible person but damn it that's to much cuteness'. I leaned closer to him...and flicked his nose.

"Au !" with one hand he grabbed his nose.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry. Did I woke you up?" with sweet fake voice I asked him placing my hand on his shoulder.

He looked at me in annoyance and gave me a flick on my forehead and turned away so I could only see his back.

"Ayato" I rubbed my forehead. 'Don't tell me he's going back to sleep'I looked at watch on night table and did a little calculation.

"Hey Ayato, wake up. I think we'll be landing in few hours" I yawned again.


"Ayato" I shook him.


"Oh for God sake" I took one of his arm and tried to drag him out of bed. "I had to pull out Shu from bathtub and now you from my bed. I'm the luckiest girl in the world"

"Then don't" he said with eyes closed. Guy now was laying on his back while I was standing next to bed pulling on his arm. A grunt came out from his mouth and after that he turned to the side bringing his hand closer to him. The thing is I didn't let go of his arm so when Ayato turned I 'flied' back to bed. laying on top of him in '+' position.

"You're heavy"

"I have muscles !" I shouted at him and got up.


"Seriously. You just like Orochi" I said under my breath and I started doing some muscle stretching moves.

"Who?" Ayato lifted his head and looked at me. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Orochi is my other idiot brother and this is a little warm up" I did few more moves and opened bedroom door. Vampire was laying there in confusion. I grabbed Ayato's both legs and with all strength I pulled him out from my bed to hallway.







Me and Ayato looked at the direction from where sound came out. And guess who it was.

"Good morning Reiji" I let go of Ayato's legs.

He fixed his glasses "We'll be landing in 3 hours. Be prepared"

Our plane landed. The car was waiting for us. I was the first one to get out of plane.

"Guten tag, Schweiz ! " I inhaled European air. I felt wonderful. From a distance I could see mountains covered in snow. 'I'll snowboard on that mountain'

The others got down and headed to car.

"You can speak german ?" Yui asked.

"No. I only know simple words and phrases, how to count to ten, say hello, a few swear words and I know one sentence: raus aus dem Fenster."

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