Chapter 53: On the edge of

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"Maybe it wasn't that good of idea to announce the war with..ugh...Laito" I sighed as I jumped off tree branch.

This all evening I was playing a game similar to Easter eggs hunt, only instead of eggs I need to find my clothes. Mostly my underwear. Okay correction, all of my underwear. Just this morning I opened my dresser's drawer where I kept all of my underwear and Boom. Everything was gone. Something told me that it was that bastard's, Laito, job. And maybe the note that said 'So it begins, Perra-chan' gave him away.

It's called hide- and-seek with your underwear. One pair I found in a fringe, the other one in bushes, the third somewhere in the forest. Oh, and to make it more interesting he hid some of them in Reiji's room. From the same room I saw my bra hanging on a tree branch.

"That's so childish camp thing"

'Look who's talking'

'I'm eighteen, he's over 300-something years old. My childlessness can be justified'

I kicked a rock out of my way. It was about 4 a.m. the sun was barely rising. I zipped up my hoodie. Because of morning coolness the garden was covered in a light fog.

"Aghh...I still need to find one more bra. And I'll be done with this"

Small rocks rustled underneath my feet as I walked back to the mansion. My mind was occupied with thoughts about the how should I strike him back. In a peculiar way, I kind of like this challenged. Just to see how good I can be. But still...

"That pendejo" I kicked one more rock out of my way into some bushes nearby. Suddenly a short squeak sound came from that direction. I froze in the spot, trying to see who is there or the worst case of scenario...what. For a moment nothing was happening, but just when I thought I was hearing things and I need more sleep, these 'Oink' sounds... Like those which miniature pigs do. And as universe read my mind, from bushes, slowly but with courage came a micro pig. Identical to the one from the movie 'Charlotte's Web'.

This is a pleasant surprise. Just in case, I blinked few times and rubbed my eyes because I thought I was hallucinating. But it was real. The pig sniffed around, probably looking for something to eat. Some mud and dust on his pinkish legs.

I slowly kneeled trying not to scare him off and from my pocket I took out a cereal bar and as silently as it was possible I opened it and took a tiny part of it and offered it to a visitor. I knew that pigs are getting scared fast and he might just run off. But I was surprised when the pig was coming to me, sniffing ground then air. He took his time to come to a treat in my palm.

"Hey, little guy" with soft voice I addressed him. The pig took a bite of cereal bar from my palm and eat it.

"You are different" I smiled and gave him one more bite.

As the time was passing he seemed to get used to me and didn't mind when I tried to pet him. This little guys was peculiar and weird for sure. Kind of like me...Does that mean that I just called myself a pig. Great.

"What would happen if I take you into my arms?" moving slowly, I wrapped my hands around his belly and tried to lift him just a little bit above earth. No loud squeaking sounds just the same cute oinking.

"I think we have vegetables and fruits in the kitchen somewhere" but then I recalled the incidents with animals that we had over the year. For example the war of opossum: The great stags tamer Teddy. And before finding this pig there was an incident with a pigeon. If it wasn't for me, Reiji would had cooked and eaten that pigeon. For one week I was calling them Ace Venturas. Hehehe...they didn't like it.

"Sorry, little dude" I placed the animal on the ground "But you'll be safer from wherever you came from, then here " I turned around and headed towards the mansion, remembering the pigeon incident. That was some evening. Reiji was preparing dinner that time and Kanato decide to 'help' him by keeping an eye on a pan in which were roasting onions. Let's just say he did what he was asked to but that doesn't mean he did something when smokes and burning smell started to come out form it. So he opened the window and left the kitchen for a moment and when Reiji returned he had a new feathered friend (pigeon) picking bread pieces on the table. The way he tried to shoo that bird away was hilarious. It was so painful to contain my laughter. The fight between the vampire and a pigeon looked...interesting. I wasn't sure who is afraid of who. But as always, I came to save the day for Reiji and managed to catch that flying thing. And because of that pigeon I broke two plates.

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