Chapter 40: The Ballroom part (part 2)

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"You want to know more about me ?" the request was weird. Since I got in this mansion, everyone wanted to shut me up. Especially Reiji, and I quote 'I would lock you in the dungeons and sew up your lips'. Good wishes.
The strange man took me aside from everyone else and offered me a seat to the table, sitting as well in front of me. He wore a black, old fashioned classic suit which looked really expensive 'Is he a doctor or something ?' From a inner jacket pocket he took out a notebook and pen. 'Why am I having a bad feeling ?' 
"Please don't be nervous. I just want to know few things about you. And if it helps I have PH.D. degree in psychology. "
"And I have Ph.D. in making Reiji drink aspirin. But how that should calm me down?" I folded my arms leaning against the chair.
"...Think about this as a free, professional psychological counseling"
"You know, I do understand that you're saying this only because you want to analyze my brain and mental health...but what the hell" I place my arm on table "So, what's up?"
For a moment doctor looked at me and wrote something down "First question: how are you doing right now? Any peculiar events in your life ?"
"Wait. No. I have a question of my own. All this conversation will be only between us, right ? One time I heard that this doctor posted his patient health-"
He raised his hand as a gesture to stop talking "I can assure you, it will be only between you and me. This hesitation is understandable. Since I'm a vampire it's only natural for a human to not trust me. But times are different now, so are some of a vampires. Do you understand what I'm trying to say ?"
For a moment I was lost in my thought, processing what Dr. Fangs told me "That now there are more vampire who are trying to figure out humans...?"
"Something like that" I pointed my face "Now back to my question"
"I guess I need to be checked just to make sure everything is fine up here" I pointed to my head "Okay, how am I feeling? Umm...Probably I'm kind of upset because I still have one week of detention. Stupid academy's rules" I mumbled
"What happened?"
"Well. I was sitting on the roof top. Ayato popped out. Wanted to see my blushing face. Then bit me. I tickled him. He chased me around the school. And whatever he says, he was the one who broke classrooms doors."
Doctor looked at me for a second before writing down some more stuff in his notebook "Umm.. Could you..tell me..why you tickled someone who can easily kill you for that?" he stuttered a little.
"He should have known that this day will come eventually: me tickling him. Oh and at that moment I was sick. So that had some influence on my actions. But that was nothing compared to what I once did to Subaru. Long story short: he ripped off duct taped phone from my thigh so in return I tried to 'wax' his legs and arms using duct tape too. It was a revenge thing. It failed. And I know what you thinking: why did you do that to someone who can kill you? "
Doctor slowly nodded looking at me with eyes filled with disbelieve.
"Sir, you see there are some unwritten rules in our life. For example: If it has only two legs you still have a chance too run away from it and don't be killed. Except if that 'it' is Olympic runner or just professional runner. Then your gone. Also if you love someone, you should learn to let it go for good. Unless it's a bear." Doctor kept looking at me with questioning look on his face
"Maybe you just talk what's coming into your head and we will see where this will lead us?"
I snickered a little "You might wanna take another pen because I have a lot of to tell you..."

Meanwhile on the other side of the room Sakamakis were observing Kaya's and doctor's conversation.
"Finally we will get some answers" Reiji said fixing his glasses.
"Nee~ Teddy do you think he will lock her in mental institution?"
"There is fifty-fifty chance of that" Laito said
"What else can happen?" Ayato asked
"Kaya will drive that guy crazy with her nonsense so that he'll be the one who will need to go see psychiatrist" Laito looked at red head.
"One way or another I hope he will be able to tell what is wrong with her" Reiji sighted
"But from the looks of it..." Subaru interrupted "...that doctor guy is getting more and more confused of whatever she is telling him"

"...the thing is I took a peek in his room after and nothing was broken. Well okay from all that chemical-mixture-smokes Reiji's room had this weird smell but it didn't exploded. His teacups collection was alright. But he still send me to dungeons even tho I told him that now we're even. He drugged me.I played a little bit with his potions. Eye for eye. Well maybe he was on his vampirish days witch made him emotionally fragile. Like a flower. Sadistic, strict, no-sense-of-humor, tea loving, people drugging flower."
I have been talking for about a half of hour. I started telling my story of how I got in this mansion and what happened at that time. After first fifteen minutes doctor stop writing down notes for himself. He just sat there and from time to time he nodded his head saying "Aha"
"And this lead us to other event the next day after..."
"Stop" he cut me off "My apologies for interrupting. Obviously you had a lot of small adventures while staying here. But could you tell me more about your childhood?"
"When you say childhood I do remember one episode from the day when I started the school. I will never forget what my brothers said to me 'If someone will make fun of you, punch them in the face' "
"Brothers? How many siblings do you have?"
"Six older brothers"
"Interesting" he wrote that down
"W-w-w-what interesting ?"
"Well first of all do your brothers behave the same way as you do? For example: Do they something unusual ?"
I was sitting in the backseat of our car, Rin in passenger's seat and Orachi (third brother) behind the wheel. Car didn't moved. Orachi turned on CD player and it started playing Cotton Eye Joe by Rednex.
"Why did you called us here?" I asked Orachi
"What are you doing ?" Rin asked too
"Orachi?" I called for my brother but he didn't respond. All he did was bumping his fist in the air to the beat of song.
Me and Rin exchanged looks.
*End of flashback*
"...No" I shook my head.

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