Chapter 25: Break down

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A.N. Hey~ So I wanna thank you all for Your support and good words :) I' really happy that You guys enjoy reading this fanfic and it makes you laugh. I try to do my best to entertain You guys.

And I wanna thank bluebarnowl for giving me some ideas for this chapter. Actually, I want to thank all of you who gave me ideas for this story. It really makes writing easier :) You guys are the best *bows*

Me and Subaru were sitting on a couch in living room. In front of us was standing Reiji. He closed his eyes and touched the bridge of his nose with little shaky hand.

"So which one of you wanna explain to me what happened here?"

On Subaru's mouth was beautiful red line. His hair was messy just like my . A little sweet drops still were noticeable on our foreheads. I pursed my lips to side and looked around the room. It was...okay I'll draw you guys a picture: lets say that tornado came to our living room and after that Hulk and Juggernaut decided to have a battle who can make a bigger hole in the wall and break more stuff.

Subaru folded his arms and sat back.

"Reiji it was awful" I placed my hand on chest and got serious "We were attacked, no where to go, we were surrounded *whispers* no escape. We needed to scare them off with some noise. Soooooo...we started. Smashing .Thingssss...Mostly Subaru. I was just for a moral support."

"Hey ! Don't put all blame on me" Subaru turned his head to me.

"And by who you were attacked ?" Reiji asked sarcastically.

'I really wanna say possums. But I might hit a-possum-nerve' I opened my mouth like I was about to say something.

"I can believe how much lack of manners do you have. This is unacceptable for both of. Such a lack of manners for a young woman and Subaru, you're a royal family member. I would expect more..." my phone vibrated shortly. So I took it out.

"No" he gave me pure death glare. He grabbed my phone and broke it in two pieces 'Son of a..' "I had never gave you permission to have a phone. In this house you won't need it. And also.."

'And so it begins. The Litany of Reiji. Man oh man I'm so gonna be sick of his shit...He's still talking. Right now all I can see is his lips movement. *sight* what to do ? what to do ? ...Cool I have echo in my head. Hello ! HEEEELLLOO-'

'Hello, Kaya'

'WHAT ?! I have a voice in my head ?! my God it's happening. I can't believe it's really happening...SATAN WANTS TO TAKE OVER MY BODY ?!'

'No you moron, it's not Satan. It's you'



'Your name is You?'

'Nooo. It's you. But I'm the other you. Like your subconscious. Something like that. We are the same. One body. One mind. One soul'

'That's so beautiful'

*Out of Kaya's head*

"I really hope that you will take responsibility for what have you done"

"Me ?! If someone has to be blamed here then it's her. She came in my room with duct tape.."

"I mean both of you. Tomorrow we're going to Switzerland. So all you had to do today is clean up all this mess. But when we come back you'll both will be working on those holes. Did I made myself clear"

"Tch" Subaru leaned forward and placed his head in hand

*Back in Kaya's head*

'You're ready ?'

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