Chapter 35: Drugs philosophy

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I was laying on my bed. My arms and legs were heavy, head was spinning. But I was still able to think straight. Well, I think so . But the good side of all this unsteadiness is that my teeth didn't hurt. But damn it. I don't like how that potion made me fell in general. 'Maybe Reiji gave me expired medicine. Side affect ? Or maybe that medicine was meant to be use for vampires when they are in pain or something...the ceiling is so curvy. Is this how people on drugs sees the worl- Wait a minute.' How could I be so stupid. Drinking something that was given by that potion's bartender. Stupid cold and teeth pain, didn't let my brain work right.

"I'm gonna kill that teacup freak" I grunted.

With all my strength that was left, I got up from my bed. My body swung a little bit but I managed to keep my balance. 'I'm not gonna let some stupid drug beat me'

Somehow I reached Reiji's room. On my way drug start kicking in more. It stated to get hared and harder to think normally.

*knock knock knock* Reiji *knock knock* "...How many knocks I did?"

"Oh it's you. I see you took your medicine that I gave you" a small devilish smile appeared on his face. Then he turned around and walked to his desk. From the top drawer he took a notebook and opened it.

"What's going on?" Shu asked. Reiji took a pen and started writing something in the notebook.

"I gave nothing that could endanger her life. I simply needed to see how would one react to my new potion. The purpose of it is to relax person's muscles to maximum but on the way that brain performance wouldn't be effected." Reiji looked at me from head to toe and mumbled to himself while writing "She shouldn't be able to walk. Dose need to be increase. Also, it appears that her brain performance got lower. It manifest with forgetfulness. Example: doesn't know how many times she knocked" he kept writing.

"ReijiRodrigoDamianTeacupWhip Sakamaki" I grunted. "Youuu sonofabitch"

"Another example: mixing middle names with objects. Mood changes to anger. Interesting" Reiji wrote that down.

"What the hel-" I felt like something was coming up my esophagus and I covered my moth with hand.

"Are you going to vomit?" Shu asked a little disgusted and alerted.

I swallowed saliva "No, it's just a burp"

"How impolite" Reiji hissed

"You four, keep ya mouth shat" my voice started to sound like drunk person's.


I blinked and looked closer. There was two Reijis and two Shus. Everything started spinning. My mind gone blank. And since that moment my brain shut down and my body started acting on his own.

No one's P.O.V.

Kaya leaned against door frame with her shoulder. Her head was moving freely. She looked at the ceiling and small giggled came from her mouth.

"This room's floor is so high. Heheh" Kaya entered the room with her head still raised. Girl stopped in the middle of the room and kept looking at the ceiling. "Wow"

Both vampires looked at her confused.

"What did she drank? Your potions never had ...this kind of effect" Shu asked still keeping his eyes on unsteady girl.

"She has a cold. I think that has some influence too"

For few moments Kaya kept staring at the ceiling then she looked over Reiji's work desk where all test tubes and other equipment were.

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