Chapter 34: Autumn sickness

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We came back from Switzerland 1 week before school started. It's a first week of school. I'm still in summer mood. Always tired, doesn't listen to what teachers say, then I get scolded by Reiji. Usual day for me. I'm a bad example for kids. But there was one thing unusual.

I looked at my right. Next tome was sitting Ayato. His head was slightly turned away from me. Since that night I haven't seen Ayato often. He acted strange. In past two week he drank my blood only two or three times. And when he did that he didn't said anything. Just comes, does his job and leaves me passed out. Not that I missed my blood being sucked. It's actually nice that my cheeks got that soft blush back. But still... Even now I could feel something different about him. I don't want that. Maybe he's in summer mood too and I'm just always.

I looked at my notebook. In the corner of pages there was few bats that I drew/doodled. The teacher was babling about something again. I really didn't heard and didn't cared right now what was the topic of lesson. I'll just ask Yui and then read about it at home.

I took my black pen and started doing little adjustments to one of bats. I drew black glasses on him, chain with dollar sign and next to him I wrote 'thug life'. This might have no sense. But that's the point. To make people think and vampires angry.

One time I was looking for vampire jokes on internet and I found one about how vampires make tea. And let's put it in a nice way: as a tea bag they use 'stained' females hygiene product *cought* pads *cought*. I laughed so hard because at that moment on my mind was only one vampire. For few days every time when I saw him drinking tea I always bursted out of laughter. First time I thought that I will pass out from the lack of air. I was rolling on the ground in the living room. And the look on Reiji's face was priceless. Poor guy didn't understood what was going on. I didn't told him about that. So more fun for me. Oh, and also I rose my psycho level in front of him as well. Cause now he thinks, no, he diagnosed, that I have mental disorder which kicks in when I see people drinking any beverage and that's makes me laugh my ass off. If only he knew the truth...But he didn't need the truth to have a reason why he should lock me in dungeons for night. And it's not like down there was scary or something. Well I saw a couple of rats but back home my brother kept two rats as a pets. And they weren't so scary. They wear white and in some way had soft fur. Anyway, I wasn't scared down there but I was bored. So I did what I do when I'm bored. I sang 'Ain't No Mountain High Enough' ,Locked Away by Adam Levine, Hallelujah by Panic! At The Disco. Oh the last one is current my jam.

I started to sing the song again in my head

'~All you sinners stand up, sing hallelujah, hallelujah! Show praise with your body...~'

My head was nodding to the rhythm of song. Next thing I know my mouth was moving but I didn't made a sound...yet. After few moments I started silently singing to myself.

"~And if you can't stop shaking, lean back let it move right through ya hallelujah! Say your prayers, say yo- ~" I looked around to see teacher and majority of students looking at me. I did 'hallelujah' part with higher voice witch happened to be louder too. And it draw attention.

"Ms. Yagami would you like to share that with the class ?" teacher gave me that jugging look like he was saying 'I'm better then you'. I'm not surprised he was one of those angry teachers who gives tonse of homework and hates most of students guts for no reason. He was new in this academy ,so yeah, he tries to get that you-don't-mess-whit-me reputation.

'Let him have it. Come on do it. Hit those notes like an old jazz singer.'

'But if I do that he might sent me to principal's office...'


"~All you sinners stand up, sing hallelujah, hallelujah! ~" I did my best to sing it out like a pro. And I even putted my hands in the air.

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